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newbie question, grease help.

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  • newbie question, grease help.

    do i grease every thing with a nipple one it? what is the nipple about the rear diff? and what are the nipples on the rear wheels?

  • #2
    The nipple on the rear diff is the diff breather - don't grease it. The nipples on the rear brakes are bleed screws - don't grease them.


    • #3
      Here you go
      Attached Files
      The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


      • #4
        oopps...i greased the ones behind the wheel, what do i do about that?
        and i'm not talking about the breather, this nipple sits 5 inches above the breather


        • #5
          Brake LSPV ? - Thats got brake fluid in it too.... (3 metal pipes attatched to it)



          • #6
            Originally posted by wpg_kzn130 View Post
            oopps...i greased the ones behind the wheel, what do i do about that?
            Nothing. Grease should not be able to enter the wheel cylinder because the nipple was not loosened (or was it?) and if you need to bleed the brakes at any time then grease should be flushed out easily. Did it seem like any grease actually went into them? Maybe you should get some spare bleed nipples and replace them them bleed all the brakes just in case. If any chance that grease did reach the wheel cylinders then you could be in trouble. It will contaminate the brake fluid and possible cause brake failure.

            Originally posted by wpg_kzn130 View Post
            and i'm not talking about the breather, this nipple sits 5 inches above the breather
            That's the bleed nipple for the LSPV. Same should apply for this.


