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  • power

    ok i have a 2.4 manual gen 2 smurf,
    god knows i love it!!!
    but it is gutless!!!!
    is there any way of geting a bit more power out of her.
    she is fine on the the flat stuff....but come to a hill and i find i have to drop her into a lower gear just to get to the top (unloaded).
    please bare in mind iv had "lawn rovers" for years and the same hill my old 110 would go up the in top gear very happy(2.5tdi engine loaded up to)got fed up with working on it every weekend so i got toyota.
    i have a m5 to keep me happy with speed and thats not what im looking for i want torqe and lots of it as we all know torqe is the way forward and beleave me my m5 has lots of it he he he he he he he.
    i like to have a bit of fun down some gren lanes and have a 2ton trailer i need to tow but my baby is just not up to it!!!
    do i have the wrong truck for my needs?????

  • #2
    ...but have a read here....


    • #3
      hay thanks for that.

      i have done the washers on the wastgate a while ago.

      am looking into fitting a intercooler just need to find one.

