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Judder between 2000 -2500 revs? ATF level?

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  • Judder between 2000 -2500 revs? ATF level?

    Got the Surf back from the garage after they sorted my rear bearing (only replaced one brake shoe as they ran out of time! But going back in to get the other one fitted)
    Since then (all the way down to the plain and back over the weekend) there has been a bit of a loss of power and a pronounced juddering roughly between 2000 and 2500 revs. Seems to be intermittent – only at mid range speeds and particularly on the back down the revs (i.e. more noticeable when dropping from 3000 down to 2000 than when going from 2000 up to 3000.
    As its at mid range speeds (I think) I’m guessing its between 2 gears (2/3rd 3rd/4th?)

    First thought was ATF fluid level so checked it with the engine running after running through the gears. It read very low so topped it up at a garage with (‘Dextron II compatible’ ATF fluid – all they had) engine was at running temp and I ran though the gears between every bit I topped up until it was almost at the top of the ‘hot’ mark)
    Though it seemed to improve it a bit the problem was still there and when I checked the level later it was a good few centimetres above the hot level.

    Could it be too high and effecting the AT working? Would it be worth draining a bit and seeing if it makes a difference.
    Is it bad to mix two different brands of ATF?

    I also changed the fuel filter as I’m running a high percentage of veg (80%veg/ 10% petrol/ 10% diesel) there were some small floating fats present (despite filtering, dewatering etc. etc.) which is annoying but there you go. This didn’t seem to make a difference either.
    Could be lumps from the veg getting through?

    Its not an airlock in the tank causing it as I have one of them so leave the fuel cap slightly loose to allow for pressure equalisation.

    Checked the air filter and it looks fine.

    Had a service from Toyota about 2 months ago including ATF change/ filters etc. – having said that, this was as a freebie after them d!cking me around with the steering recall so can’t say I really trust they did what they were meant to.

    Thought about tyres having thrown some weights but as its not constant I would presume that that can’t be the problem.

    Could it be anything to do with the work on the bearings that was just donw?

    In case its of any relevance, my drivers side aisin freewheel hub refused to turn all the way around to 'lock' from 'free' (it was fully in the 'free' position on both sides though.

    I’m going to order a new batch of ATF fluid today and drain and refill to see if that makes a difference

    Any ideas?

    Last edited by biosurf; 5 May 2009, 14:27.

  • #2
    From my experience check your prop shaft UJs

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      cheers Trev. I'll have a look.


      • #4
        Definately should be the prop shaft as it happened to mine about 6 weeks ago.The truck shouldn't be driven as you could end up having a serious accident if it goes completely.
        I should have a rear prop here if needed for £50 delivered


        • #5
          Juddering and loss of power could have something to do with only having one good brake shoe out of four. Looks like they don't know about the correct adjustment procedure and just turned the adjuster by hand and now the brakes on that side are 'dragging'.

          Why did the 'garage' only replace one? If they were running short on time then they shouldn't have started the job.

          p.s. Yes, too much ATF can be as damaging as too little.


          • #6
            Just been and had a look under the truck. One of the cups at the rear end of the drive shaft is broken. (small 3 mm piece broken away)

            Also there is a leak from the (bear with me here I have pics but still cant find cam lead) bit indicated with the arrow.

            The leak is not from the side on which the prop shaft attaches. Its from the other side and the oil is running down back towards the diff.

            Guessing this is a seperate problem? Related to the work they have just done on the bearing?

            Yes Bushwhacker I agree they shouldn't have started, they're normally pretty good but this time...

            Also noticed when I got back that when I pressure washed the Surf there seemed to be quite a lot of steam form the wheel that they hub refused to engage on. Dontwhether the fact this side was hot has any significance or not. Maybe it steamed on the other side too and I didnt notice?

            Sorry for the lack of correct terms and descriptions. Mechanical numpty learning slowly
            Attached Files
            Last edited by biosurf; 5 May 2009, 22:52.


            • #7
              pic added


              • #8
                There's an oil seal behind there.
                It wouldn't/shouldn't have been touched when the bearings were replaced.
                Unless there's a puddle under the diff every time you park up, I would forget about it.


                • #9
                  Bushwhacker your advice is some I respect most on the forum, all of its clear and accurate and you clearly know your stuff.
                  I however am, as I said a mechanical idiot.

                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                  Unless there's a puddle under the diff every time you park up, I would forget about it.
                  For once however, your advice and my natural inclination have cooincided.


                  • #10
                    The leak looks like its coming from the pinion..

                    There is a strange shape rubber/plastic washer in behind the pinion after the crush sleeve so that diff oil doesn't drain out..

                    Could be that!


                    • #11
                      Get them to check that leak when you take it back in for the other set of shoes.


                      • #12
                        Finally found camera lead





                        • #13
                          Thanks for previous responses. replaced prop and oddly although there is less judder, its still there.
                          Pinion seal was gone and is also now replaced and sorted.

                          Going to drain and replace ATF and see if that helps

