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Lumpy Tickover............

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  • Lumpy Tickover............

    Hello there all in hilux land!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have a KZN185 3lt on a 96 plate. Very nice motor indeed and have had it for 6 years now.

    Can not fault it in anyway, Done all the usual stuff like regular servicing new suspension, exhaust etc.

    Recently changed the glow plugs and noticed that the idle is a little rougher than it was before the change.

    Did all the usual checks that every thing went back as removed and all was well but still lumpy!!

    Fuel filter was changed about 4 years ago!!!!( i know i know naughty boy!!!!!) might that be a problem and dose diesel clog up filters more that petrol dose???????????????

    Has any one got any ideas and recomendations?????

    Many thanks Craig