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rear carpet wet

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  • rear carpet wet

    I hope someone can shed some light on this problem im having.
    I noticed that the rear carpet was SOAKING wet the other day ive looked at all the obviuos places for it getting in (around tailight,window , cable entry from rear door etc all fine.Until I took off the rear plastic panels on the left hand side to find that what can only be described as condensation behind the cubby hole, even the box itself was wet. However the opposite side is fine and dry as a bone. So has anybody had a simular problem did you cure it? Cant understand why the other side is not doing the same
    there is also a clear plastic pipe that runs along the top and dissapears down in the corner in comes from the front but can't be the rear washer tube as it does not go across to it, any ideas as to what it can be?
    anyones help would be greatly appreciated

  • #2
    Originally posted by batesy boy View Post
    I hope someone can shed some light on this problem im having.
    I noticed that the rear carpet was SOAKING wet the other day ive looked at all the obviuos places for it getting in (around tailight,window , cable entry from rear door etc all fine.Until I took off the rear plastic panels on the left hand side to find that what can only be described as condensation behind the cubby hole, even the box itself was wet. However the opposite side is fine and dry as a bone. So has anybody had a simular problem did you cure it? Cant understand why the other side is not doing the same
    there is also a clear plastic pipe that runs along the top and dissapears down in the corner in comes from the front but can't be the rear washer tube as it does not go across to it, any ideas as to what it can be?
    anyones help would be greatly appreciated
    Have you got a sunroof?
    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


    • #3
      the pipe is one of the sunroof drains, i would imagine that that's leaking into that side somewhere. I'm not sure, but i'm gonna hazard a gues that there,s probably a drain hole in the bottom of that panel somewhere, and it's probably that that is blocked, so when the sunroof drains through that tube into the rear wing it can't drain out properly do sit's in the bottom of the wing merrily cusing condensation until it rusts a new drain hole through your bodywork. If it was me and i found water sitting in the bottom of the panel and i couldn't find the ooriginal drainage hole to unblock it, i'd just drill a new one.
      =SOLD UP!=


      • #4
        You're best off getting underneath the vehicle to locate that drainage hole. They're a bugger to see from the inside. On the bodywork seam, you'll see a little raised section a quarter inch or so in width on the inner edge of the seam, right at the back end around where the bumper quarters are. Poke a length of solid wire up to clear the hole.


        • #5
          cheers guys sounds like a good bet


          • #6
            thanks for all your suggestions it would seem it was coming up from under the bumper there is a small black cap which seems to serve no purpose as it is sealed ie it 's not a drain hole, so i took it out cleaned it put a small amount of silicon around it and pushed it back in, Will test drive this week to see if this has cured it.
            Found small dsrainage hole at rear for sunroof excellent description found it straight away thats all clear.


            • #7
              That's a blanking grommet. The hole is there if you need to feed any cables or suchlike out. Have you checked and cleared the drainage hole in the bottom of the rear quarter?


              • #8
                yep they all seem to be ok


                • #9
                  If it's not the sunroof drain, have you looked at whether you might have a leak in the rear window seal on that side?
                  Mike G

