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Urgent Advice Needed - T-Light?

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  • Urgent Advice Needed - T-Light?

    Hi Guys

    I am new to this forum but have had my Desiel Surf SSX for about 3 years now - so let me start by saying hi to all.

    I am a gigging DJ working up and down the country and tonight just as I was leaving a gig in Milton Keynes I noticed the T-Light warning light come on. I had no choice other than to drive all the way from MK back to Nottingham with the light on!!!!

    When I bought the Surf Cheqered Flag in leeds put a new timing belt on for me so I am a little surprised it is going so soon - My last car was a desiel 405 and that went for years and years

    To be honest I was nervious as hell all the way home and you will not believe how hard you can pray at times like this.

    Here is my dilemma -

    Common sense tells me that now I have got the Surf home engine intacked I should not attempt to drive it again let alone start it - This is true I am guessing?

    Now, I still have 3 gigs to do next week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and I have to drive from Nottingham to Birmingham to collect my mum from the coach station as she is coming for a week at Xmas.

    Then during the Xmas week I have another gig, followed by taking mum back to the coach station in Brum the following Tuesday, followed by a huge deal New Years Eve gig in London........

    All of which the Surf would be used for - Thats a heck of a lot of miles and the Surf just can not let me down on any of them so what do I do

    I feel like I am up the creak with out a paddle.

    I can not see how I am going to get the timing belt sorted this side of the new year now and as the nearest Surf garage that I trust is Chequred Flag in leeds (over an hours drive away) I dont even see how I can get the Surf to them in order to fix the belt before it goes and blows the engine!!!!

    I am guessing I need to hire a van for the next few weeks but does anyone know of a GOOD mobile Surf mechanic who wil come out and do the job here or is it really a workshop job - I just have no idea???

    Any suggestions or advice would be greatfully accepted?


  • #2
    have you done 100k since the last belt was done, the T-belt light comes on every hundred grand but if your belt was done at 80000 then you dont need it doing till you hit 160000k. The light can be reset by removing the little rubber bung in the speedo/rev glass, insert a long needle thingy and poke it in the hole opposite the bunghole. H


    • #3
      as hazzo said.the light is set to come on at 100,000km and if the belt was changed then the light will come on if it hasn't alreadt been reset.I paniced the same with my old 2.4 and before i found this place and got the truck towed to a local garage only to be told the same

