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why only 18 mpg

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  • why only 18 mpg

    my 93 2.4 ssrx runs like a watch just done new filters and oil , redex in system as well, but still im only averaging 18 mpg could i take the thimble thingy off and turn it back quarter turn instead of forward as everyone else has done , could the egr cause this as i get a bit of reek when changing gear when it hits the turbo green light

  • #2
    most egr problems are if its jamed open and it would run very poor, don't know much about the turbo, breaks arn't seased up are they.


    • #3
      18 mpg

      that is pretty good mate....
      that is about average...

      On long runs maybe a little more...

      But yeah 18mpg sounds like u have no problems at all to me
      One day at the time I guess..


      • #4
        18 is low toby.

        25 is around the norm.

        Percentage wise thats a fair increase..

        You could try turning the timble thing back a quater turn. It wont cost anything to find out


        • #5
          Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
          18 is low toby.

          25 is around the norm.

          Percentage wise thats a fair increase..

          You could try turning the timble thing back a quater turn. It wont cost anything to find out



          well the red one does nowhere near that....

          I only get about 24 to 30 mpg from the vit hahaha

          I am a really slow driver and all

          One day at the time I guess..


          • #6
            25 on a 2.4?

            i wish, 16-18s normal for me, maybe pushing 22 with a bit of motorway work thrown in. I i could probably bring it up 10-15% on that by taking off the roof bars and sticking road tyres back on rather than the muds, but i still wouldn't expect 25mpg, or anything like, regularly.
            =SOLD UP!=


            • #7
              i was getting around 25mpg before the big tyres went on.

              Now im getting around 15-18ish. Drops lower sometimes but not very often!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by nero279 View Post
                25 on a 2.4?

                i wish, 16-18s normal for me, maybe pushing 22 with a bit of motorway work thrown in. I i could probably bring it up 10-15% on that by taking off the roof bars and sticking road tyres back on rather than the muds, but i still wouldn't expect 25mpg, or anything like, regularly.
                that sounds like my red one....
                about the same on mine......
                well apart from the roof bars that is....
                One day at the time I guess..


                • #9

                  first off thanks for the replies.. but i can give an update now ive just achieved 201 kms for 25 litres or £25... which kinda woks out about 21 mpg , 25 litres puts the needle just about halfway and at 201 the light was starting to bounce on and off but not constantly on so off to tesco put another 25 litres in and ill see what it does next time , still get the nightime emissiions if i press hard on the pedal ,its like james bond smoke screen.. but if i ease it into turbo virtually nowt...



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by theraeteam View Post
                    first off thanks for the replies.. but i can give an update now ive just achieved 201 kms for 25 litres or £25... which kinda woks out about 21 mpg , 25 litres puts the needle just about halfway and at 201 the light was starting to bounce on and off but not constantly on so off to tesco put another 25 litres in and ill see what it does next time , still get the nightime emissiions if i press hard on the pedal ,its like james bond smoke screen.. but if i ease it into turbo virtually nowt...


                    That is the correct way to drive an underpowered, 2 ton, diesel 4X4 to achieve the best mpg.


                    • #11

                      thanks thats the way ill need to drive it now, im enjoying surfing and this site is good and full of info

                      everyone have a nice chrimbo

