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Rear Window Prob (maybe not motor?)

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  • Rear Window Prob (maybe not motor?)

    Hi there, my surf has been having problems with its rear window, getting stuck and so on. I've been keeping the problem at bay with silicone lubricant but this evening it's died for good.
    Now i'm gonna try and get a replacement motor, but the motor in mine is still making a whirring noise when you try to operate it but the window just isn't moving. So could it be something to do with the mechanism rather than the motor thats broke and is there anything that's prone to going wrong with the mechanism?

  • #2
    It's fallen to bits internally, there are loads of fixes on here.
    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


    • #3
      OK i'll have a look thanks, the search function wasn't working earlier when I tried


      • #4
        It does that sometimes.

        You'll get a motor from a scrappy for about a fiver, so maybe not worth fixing? Get one from the passenger side rear door on most Toyotas about the same age as your Surf.
        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


        • #5
          OK thanks, i'll get round some scrapyards today. Just another little question though. I've searched for the answer but I want to make sure.
          I'd like to remove the motor whilst the tailgate and window are up (because if I have the tailgate down and extend the window then the car won't fit in the garage). So i'd like to ask, if I remove the motor will the weight of the window be supported by something else? or will it guillotine my hands off?
          I'd like to take off the motor first then drive round the scrapyards with it so I know i'm getting exactly the same part. Will the window stay up whilst driving?


          • #6
            Originally posted by oneidadan View Post
            I'd like to remove the motor whilst the tailgate and window are up (because if I have the tailgate down and extend the window then the car won't fit in the garage). So i'd like to ask, if I remove the motor will the weight of the window be supported by something else? or will it guillotine my hands off?
            I'd like to take off the motor first then drive round the scrapyards with it so I know i'm getting exactly the same part. Will the window stay up whilst driving?
            The regulator is spring tensioned. It'll pretty much stay in place whilst you take the motor out. Wedge a length of wood under one of the arms, (can't remember if there are one or two arms, offhand), if you intend to drive around with the motor out.


            • #7
              brilliant thanks, that'll be my job for this afternoon then


              • #8
                Well i've got the motor out and took it apart and it looks knackered. Tried to get another from a scrappys, but strangely not one of the yards in this area are breaking any toyotas.
                Oh well I think i've sorted it now, will just need to find a motor from somewhere now.
                thanks to everyone for their help


                • #9
                  Originally posted by oneidadan View Post
                  Well i've got the motor out and took it apart and it looks knackered.
                  Knackered in what form?


                  • #10
                    i've had the back of the motor off and the circlip has rusted to the backing plate. There was also little bits of rubber bouncing round inside the housing, so I was assuming it's not repairable without a fair bit of work. I have sourced another though from Mr. Stormforce so hopefully that'll solve the problem.
                    I'm glad I did it now because while I was having a look inside the mechanism I found that one of the rubber window guides inside the tailgate had somehow found its way out and was lying on the bottom of the tailgate.
                    Now my next job is getting hold of some grease nipples and getting those replaced.

