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misty windscreen prob? FIXED! heres how....

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  • misty windscreen prob? FIXED! heres how....

    Ive only had my surf Ln130 for 1 week and have been fixing a few things, one of them the misty front windscreen so..............

    ive read on here alot about the misting windscreen, and all the threads ive read lead to the fact that 99.9% of the time its the white plastic controls/leavers on the side of the heater box (near where your left foot rests while driving) that 'jam' and dont go all the way to the windscreen position/setting.

    most people are saying greasing the white plastic sliders fixes it for them, (lucky s*ds) i noticed mine to would go with a push of the finger, BUT after then i checked it all by using the swithes to move the controls while i watched, it stopped short of the 'demist' setting on the white leavers every time, SO..

    Follow the wire cable at the top of the white plastic leavers that moves them.... this goes upwards then back down to behind the little plastic panel at the bottome of the center console right infront of the gear 4X4 levers, take this off, 1 screw either side, and then pull it, behind there is the control motor that operates the cable when the switches/buttons are pushed.......... heres the problem, the cable will have kinked and can either be repaired with a splint(as some one has said in a thread), or replace the cable with one from a scrappy, if that ones ok, or! do what i did.......

    went to the scrappy, no surfs , so i think what about all those pajeros and other jap motors sitting over there, first pajero had similar cables, so i took 2, one that looked looked a close match and then one that was too long.

    tried the similair one and it was too short but by only 1/4 inche at most but wouldn't allow the full range of movement on the white plastic controls..... so use the longer one, with sharp good side cutters/pliers cut one end of the new cable off, discard the end 'ring' bit. remove the inner cable.

    now hold the outer part against your original broken one from the truck, and cut new outer the same lenght of the original, put to one side, now do the same again but for the inner part, cut to same as orginal inner.

    now slide new inner back into its outer. DONT FORGET THIS BIT

    now get a small crimp on ring terminal (similiar to the blue bullet connectors for stereos) make sure the hole in the ring terminal is the same size as the orginal end, or close as you can, now crimp that ring terminal on the end of the new inner.

    you now have a perfect replacement cable linkage, it might sound like a lot, but took me less than 2 minutes to make the new cable.

    and i now have a heater that blows where i tell it to when i tell it to

    i needed

    a few screwdrivers
    long needle nose pliers
    a pair of good quality side cutters
    a ring terminal
    good quality ratchet wire crimp,... cheaper ones would do but make sure it wont pull off!!
    a bright torch
    a nice big mug of tea!

    hope this helps someone out considering the time of year.

  • #2
    Thanks for posting this - I just assumed my surfs demister was rubbish but now think it's not getting the full airflow. Will have a look tomorrow and see whats going on.



    • #3
      These have been posted before but I will do it again.

      First pic shows the motor location at bottom of pic. Cable has been removed.

      Two pics showing the extremes of movement of the levers. Cable not shown.

      Last edited by NiftyNev; 11 December 2008, 00:15.


      • #4
        Just had a look and my levers all seem to be moving the full extent.

        Maybe next time I have the dash out I'll check the hoses.



        • #5
          i can see the cable adjuster on the pic(labeled in red) but how do you actually adjust it, and can it be done in situ. At the mo, im having to push the levers upward to get heater on windscreen so clockwise or anti clockwise info would help.
          Surf K Reg LN130 2.4 AUTO


          • #6
            NEV You should always cut your toenails "straight across" no curves, you are inviting ingrowing toenails.

            Сви можемо


            • #7
              Also, so you dont have to use the fan so much its always good to rub neat washing up liquid into the inside of the windscreen and polish it in.
              Stops windscreens, bike helmet visors, googles etc. etc. from fogging up.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                NEV You should always cut your toenails "straight across" no curves, you are inviting ingrowing toenails.

                I tried that for a while, couldn't afford a new pair of socks every day though. My toenails shredded them!
                Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nigel129 View Post
                  i can see the cable adjuster on the pic(labeled in red) but how do you actually adjust it, and can it be done in situ.
                  It just pulls out of the clip. It looks like a thread at first but it's just a serated shaft so pull it out and shorten or lengthen as required. If you centre the serated section in the clop then that should be pretty much in the right position. Main adjustment to vents is via the cable so do this via the cable clip. It just unclips as well by pushing up on the tab at top.

                  Last edited by NiftyNev; 12 January 2009, 15:54.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                    NEV You should always cut your toenails "straight across" no curves, you are inviting ingrowing toenails.

                    Never had an ingrown toenail yet. I knew someone would comment on the toes one day.



                    • #11
                      wicked post mate
                      i have suffered the misty window screen for 2 years i will takle it in warmer wether come
                      cheers mate

                      in growing toe nails i cut my own out its easy realy
                      i dont get em no more coz i stoped wereing work boots
                      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                      • #12
                        Pulled my truck apart today! Found the cable no prob, and it's kinked badly at the lower end. Thought about remaking it but it has "eyelets" on the ends not 'bullets'.
                        Went to Toyota at Eastbourne and ordered a new cable. Will be in tomorow and cost me the grand sum of £8.

                        Just shows the dealers aren't always as dear as you think!

                        www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk

