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has anyone rebuilt steering box

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  • has anyone rebuilt steering box

    Hi folks i have stripped down the steering box to replace a seal that was leaking.
    Im needing advice on how to insert the ball bearings into the threaded shaft !
    Can anyone advise please
    Scottish mud club

  • #2
    lol you have to turn it as you insert the bb's
    ps make sure you dont lose any bbs
    good luck
    Only Toyota can get you out of shite


    • #3
      Pictorial here http://www.toyotasurf.asn.au/techsite/powersteering.htm


      • #4


        • #5
          Originally posted by joker?? View Post
          lol you have to turn it as you insert the bb's
          ps make sure you dont lose any bbs
          good luck
          You serious ?
          Have you done one before?
          Scottish mud club


          • #6
            Originally posted by peter026 View Post
            Cheers peter but doesnt show the treaded shaft and ball bearings,
            There must be a knack to refiting them
            Scottish mud club


            • #7
              Originally posted by martyrsvr View Post
              You serious ?
              Have you done one before?
              yep ,"!!!! it helps if theres two doing it
              Only Toyota can get you out of shite


              • #8
                Have a look at parrasurfa's entry on January 13th at 6.02pm, and January 28th, at 2.22am on this thread - they might help:



                • #9
                  marty are you coming to clog on sunday?

                  get registered at www.scottishmuclub.com all yer old pals are there and some new ones.

                  yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                  • #10
                    I did this, and it was much easier with two of you doing it. i used a very light smear of grease on the BB's to hold them in place while turning the shaft in. It worked a treat and never had a problem with it after the overhaul.
                    Now I Have Grown Up, I Need A Grown Up Tonker Toy!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
                      marty are you coming to clog on sunday?

                      get registered at www.scottishmuclub.com all yer old pals are there and some new ones.
                      Hi alan , sorry for the late reply i have my surf in the garage at the mo a few repairs being done , i keep meaning to come up on your meets , but dont like to turn up without a truck ,blagging a seat.
                      Looks like you guys have been having fun though!!!
                      Scottish mud club


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
                        marty are you coming to clog on sunday?

                        get registered at www.scottishmuclub.com all yer old pals are there and some new ones.
                        Youve spelled the link wrong. H

