Ok guys, here's the problem, my sunroof would only open about a third of the way and then the motor would run out of puff (so I thought) and the tilt facility would not work at all, so yesterday I decided to investigate. With the sun shining on the beast all day, everything worked perfectly (much to my surprise), so while the sunroof was open, I took the opportunity to clean and lube the slides etc. I had a wonderful time playing with it (the sunroof) all afternoon and it worked perfectly. I even played with it (the sunroof) on the way to work last night (life was wonderful again). Imagine my horror when driving home this morning, I decided to have a little play with it again (the sunroof) and feck, It was back to square one, only opening a third or so then the motor was struggling. the tilt bit still worked though. C'mon guy's, what do you think?. Could it be a weak motor? but why did it work perfectly yesterday?. Could it be misalignment of the tracks and after the sun had been on it for a few hours, the expansion of the roof sorted that out. I'm clutching at straws here and could do with some ideas
