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I want to be a veggie

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  • I want to be a veggie

    Ok, seriously concidering using WVO & SVO cos my fuel bill is around £110-£130 per week. Read quite alot on the site about it & am ready to take the plunge. Looked into making my own plant in the garage with two 55 gallon drums,filters,heaters & all that. My question is which conversion kit should i go for cos i want a seperate tank for the VO, but cant have it in the boot cos i carry tools for work. saw a conversion on here but looked a bit OTT, although it did look the dogs.
    If its not broke don't fix it.

  • #2
    Why not just pour it in the tank? I've been using 75% oil 25% derv for over a year now with no problems at all


    • #3
      So if i just use the main tank is there no need to heat up the oil as its going through the system just so long as i dont go over 75% ish, & less in the colder months.
      If its not broke don't fix it.


      • #4
        Start off gently say 50% and increase it with each tankful. It'll let you know when your there at the maximum. I was running on 95% svo at one stage


        • #5
          Right then just a couple more things & i`ll leave you alone. How often should i change the filter cos i will be using WVO & SVO.
          If its not broke don't fix it.


          • #6
            After I first started using SVO, my filter blocked after about 300 miles as the SVO cleaned the crud from the fuel system so I bought two, keeping a spare one on hand, meaning to change every couple of thousand miles but never got round to it and the first filter is on about 8,000 miles now. Change them with the oil filter change is probably a good routine, but as I keep a spare one in the truck, I'll change it when I need too


            • #7
              Cheers for that mate, off to costco now to fill up.

              OH no im not, got to get my form from customs filled in first.
              only thing is the dog ate it. "OH DEAR" never mind.
              If its not broke don't fix it.


              • #8
                What form? First 2500 ltrs is free of tax and you don't even have to register anymore


                • #9
                  ive been reading some really old posts on the site,ive just refreshed my brain again now so im up to date.

                  so it really is "costco here i come" WHOOO
                  If its not broke don't fix it.


                  • #10
                    Before you get too excited, SVO isn't any cheaper than dino in most places, I'm still using my stash I bought for 60p a liter early this year. When that runs out, no idea what to do unless i can find a source of WVO


                    • #11
                      Mmmmm see what u mean, just been looking at some prices "NOT GOOD". Im quite lucky cos i used to work for an oil company many moons ago but i still have some contacts so i can get all the barrels & drums i need for nowt plus my other half works in a cafe & my sis works in a chippy, best pull my finger out & get started on my refinery.
                      If its not broke don't fix it.


                      • #12
                        last time I bought SVO from costco (few weeks ago) it worked out about 88p a ltr...still cheaper than the £1.24 I pay for normal diesel around here


                        • #13
                          Don't forget to put some AFT in ya replacement filter when ya change it ....
                          (It acts as a Cleaner)

                          There's always a Payback .... Ya just never ever see it Comin !!!!
                          Buncefield Burner


                          • #14
                            Good point, will do
                            If its not broke don't fix it.

