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My dual tank setup

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  • My dual tank setup


    I've thought you may find interesting what I'm doing in my '94 Toyota 4Runner 3.0TD as you can source the parts too.

    As on the gas version, the stock tank it's quite small, something like 65l (17.17gal). With the SAS and so, we planned to put the muffler where the spare wheel used to be and add another stock tank in the opposite side of the stock one. This was cool because the weight was centered and between the axles, but proved to be a PITA to run a 73mm (2.75'') exhaust between the tanks and the rear driveshaft.

    So we choose to take another direction. Here in Europe you're not allowed to install a non-certificated tank like a Long Ranger or a custom made one but it's legalizable to use a stock tank from another vehicle as it has been tested before. So I was thinking and as I use to do, searched the "remain-Toyota" solution. I noticed that the Toyota 70 series with leafs had the tank between the rear leafs and behind the axle. Althought the axles aren't the same the leaf separation is, so I had to test. I used to get a LJ-70 tank (Coiled version of 70 series, same tank as for the EPC) for $50US and started to work. This tank it's 90 liters, this is almost 24 gal.

    Also, at it's a Toyota tank (We've still to check) I'm sure we'll be able to switch between both sending units and make them work with the stock needle.

    This is the tank as I got it:

    We removed the crossmember that used to hold the crane for the spare wheel and tucked the tank up

    We added a crossmember to protect the tank (Engineer said it was a must for legalize). You can also see the unfinished rear bumper

    This is the area were the spare was, with the crossmember removed:

    Making the tank support

    The front tank hanger

    This is the tube coming from the aux tank. We notched the body to clear it.

    Tucked up it doesn't seem to be 24gal.

    Cutted the exhaust to route to exit behind the rear wheel

    We'll add a thermal insulation

    Here the tank crossmember is bolted and fitted inside the frame

    This is the nice dual filler we made with the stock LJ-70 one

    Modifying the filler bracket

    Almost finished filler

    Plumbed all together

    Exhaust modified to exit behind the wheel


    As it has a "Y" shape...

    ...pointing to the right you fill the stock tank...

    ...and to the left the new one

    As the injection pump on diesels suck the gas from the tank we're using two solenoids to select which tank you want, one for the engine feeding and the other for the injector return line.

    Hope you like it. I'll update when I've more pics.

    '94 4Runner 3.0TD - SAS'ed on 35's

  • #2

    BRILLIANT mod mate!

    I want to install an "covert" extra tank so I can fill it up with Red Diesel, keeping white in the main tank and have a "switch over" device etc.



    • #3
      As soon as I've pics of the solenoids I'll upload them. They're two 2-way valves, a bit expensive because the 12V coil is a bit unusual but I really wanted to be able to split the tanks. In Africa if you get contaminated or dirty diesel you still have the other tank, etc...

      '94 4Runner 3.0TD - SAS'ed on 35's


      • #4
        As always Blizz, fantastic pics of a great mod

        yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


        • #5
          looks good, only thought r you going to put some sort of protective guard on it


          • #6
            Cool! (have I missed the thread with the leaf spring conversion?)
            it's in me shed, mate.


            • #7
              Yes, we're adding protection too, but this will be later to the legalization project (Weight issues).

              I've not posted here about the SAS and so but you can see the YT thread here:


              '94 4Runner 3.0TD - SAS'ed on 35's


              • #8
                Looks a similar tank to the defender 110 i fitted, same capasity to, and in the same place, good write up David as always

                Too young to die and too old to give a toss

