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Transmissionoil from the front axel

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  • Transmissionoil from the front axel

    I have a Hilux dob.cab. from 1992 and when i put grease into the joints on the front wheels/joints, the grease are going into the front axel and mix with the transmissionoil in the axel.

    I know that i have to change the seal between the joint and the axel, but how much do i have to take apart before i can get to the seal ?

    Hope you can held me.

  • #2
    the seals are very cheap for this job,but,they are right inside the everything you see on the front axle between the outer wheel hubs and the front diff.you have to take off the wheels hubs,steering knuckles and all the rest.

    i have to do this too and i keep putting it off

    i had a link somewhere for a step by step guide if you want it i will find it.
    whatcha mean i can't do that?


    • #3
      Hi Oflynno

      Thanks for your reply. I can imagine, that it is quite a job. I would appriciate if you could post or mail me a guide for the operation. My mail is akijean@hotmail.com

      Thanks in advance


      • #4
        tranmissionoil from front axle

        this is from another website i am a member of,so big word up for l the guys at elite4x4.

        there is a nice bit of work involved,but thats half the fun ya?


        whatcha mean i can't do that?


        • #5
          Thanks for your link, but can you get it to work. I am a member, but when i click on your link it comes up with an error.


          • #6
            don't know what happened there

            try this one again?


            hope it works
            whatcha mean i can't do that?

