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SVO / PPO Injectors

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  • SVO / PPO Injectors

    A quickie to all you SVO users:
    I have been looking to run the truck on SVO / PPO and have come across the Elsbett conversions from Germany. In the kit with all the pipes, heater etc, they also supply new injectors more suitable for SVO (so they say) and injector spacers as well as different heater plugs.
    This is for a single tank system.
    My question is this: Is this all an expensive waste of time to justify their existence or is a simple electric/water fuel heater all that is needed with a bit of diesel in the tank for when it's cold?
    I don't understand how you can mod the injectors for PPO and it can still run nicely on Diesel (which they say it can).
    Reason for doing this is my local Bio supplier has put price up to £1.06 today - robbery if you ask me given that you take your chances with the quality of any manufactured Bio. I have been told I can buy veg oil for 85p/litre for a 1000l IBC.

  • #2
    85ppl is still pricey, SVO can be had from sainsbury's at about 71ppl
    Toot! Toot!


    • #3
      Or 56ppl in Tesco


      • #4
        The Elsbett modified injectors have a higher pressure and, (possibly), slightly larger apertures, if I remember correctly. On normal derv it should work exactly the same. They don't actually alter the spray pattern, but merely make it so that the injectors can create the same spray pattern with more viscous fuels.


        • #5
          Thanks for that! Now it makes sense, so I think I might be going that way. My local Bio people emailled me today to say that they are having to put their Bio up to £1.06!!!!!!!
          Time to dig a ditch around the house and not go out I think..........Might end up burning the Surf to keep warm.

