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Africa capable Surf

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  • Africa capable Surf

    I am scoping out some vehicle options for a 9 month overland trip (Dorking to Durban-SA). I was looking at a Hliux pickup, but comfort will need to be considered, and more importantly security. We need to be able to get to the fridge and other goodies without getting out the vehicle and getting swamped. Those little hands get everywhere!!
    I have been looking at Landcruisers but ouch - the prices hurt. (looking to spend less than 5k if possible)
    Considering I will be in the back of beyond for weeks at a time, and completely dependant on the vehicle, I need something - A - reliable, and if A fails, B - easy to fix.
    I read some stories of the auto boxs popping due to radiator leakage into them on the Landcruiser forum, and they intimated that Surfs have similar issues.
    What are the thoughts of you guys - would you be confident in taking your vehicles through minefields in darkest Africa??
    Also picked up from the threads I have read on here that the heads are not the smartest - is this overkill, if I change the head before I go would I wasting money or ensuring I will get there in one piece (we are talking 30k miles or so).

    Have also considered buying one in Japan and driving it from there Wife was less keen on this idea as Pakistan would be on the menu for that trip (like Sudan is going to be a piece of cake - won't be taking any teddy bears that's for sure )
    We recently did the Plymouth-Dakar banger rally and got a taste for a bigger trip!!

    Your thoughts and advice would be very much appreciated.

  • #2
    check out

    He is a forum member too.

    Also there are loads of good links on his site about travelling down and round africa.

    I would say a late 2nd gen manual diesel would be best. from my experience there are not that many autos in the middle of nowwhere in africa but you can always find a manual.

    The 3ltr diesel has probably the fewest problems and a late 2nd gen probably the most addons etc for going overland.

    I looked at driving down to kenya (my folks live there) a few years ago and the only real thing I would say that let the surf down was that the roof is not that strong, i.e. you need to reinforce it (or external rollcage) for the amount of junk / tent you might want to put on it.

    Have fun


    • #3
      Originally posted by toafrica
      I read some stories of the auto boxs popping due to radiator leakage into them on the Landcruiser forum, and they intimated that Surfs have similar issues.
      Also picked up from the threads I have read on here that the heads are not the smartest -
      Never heard of the autobox thing, and all I work on is Surfs, but to honest I'd change the rad for a manual one and run a seperate cooler if your worried, or at least an aux cooler before the main in-rad cooler. The coolant runs far cooler under load without cooling the AFT as well. Most of the head issues are 2.4's, 3.0 have no more problems than most other cars. Even if you have a cracked head, they rarely mix coolant with oil or run badly, just loose water. As long as you keep it topped up, it'll won't leave you stranded. A 3.0 is loaded up with stuff on a rad trip is definatly better than a 2.4 for ease of driving.

      Surfstar did a trip to Spain and back in a 2.4 truck had a duff head before he started, it need frequent filling up, back he made the trip and got back just fine!!
      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #4

        Any questions fire away - I am in the UK now () but I've got lots of experience to share...
        Last edited by bundubasher; 17 September 2013, 14:51.


        • #5
          I am interested in knowing what route one would take from here to Kenya because after Kenya it is a relative breeze. It is getting to Kenya that is a concern.


          • #6
            Cheers Jeremy, will take you up on that. I was hoping to use a roof tent (I still have the one from my 110 Defender), but not sure if the roof has the strength for a 150kg load - won't be loaded to that weight underway, so may be OK. What are your thoughts on that? Did you have any trouble with the auto box?
            Been looking at a Nissan Patrols and Landcruisers as well but it's a lot more money :-(

            Surf01 - we are not fixed a route yet, may do the Italy-Libya-Egpyt-etc or go via Syria-Jordan-ferry to Egypt-etc.
            Can't go to Egpyt via Israel, won't be allowed into Sudan if you don't skirt Israel. From Sudan down there shouldn't be too many problems. The latter is the route my cousin took a couple of years ago. He put a wealth of info his website, most of it may still be relevant:-



            • #7
              Re: Roofrack. Here's a plan that has served me well over many thousands of miles and hundreds of kgs.
              Last edited by bundubasher; 17 September 2013, 14:51.


              • #8
                Watch out, we're moving south! Due to work we're moving to Brighton so we'll be able to meet up sometime and compare notes.


                • #9
                  Still around?


                  • #10
                    Still alive - been spending time the Landcruiser form as that is what I ended up getting. The trip has been delayed for a at least 15 months due the other half having a bun in the oven!!!


                    • #11
                      We must meet up for a beer sometime - there's also a Hubb meet coming up soon so check the Horizons Unlimited website. See you around.

