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Tyre valves needed!

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  • Tyre valves needed!

    Hi guys,

    I hoping that somebody can help me. I have a 1992 Surf import and when I bought it it came with two steel wheels and four alloys. Wanting to get the four alloys new tyres I went to Formula4 in Stoke and whilst fitting the tyres they managed to destroy two of the valves. I was able to limp home on another spare that I just happened to have with me. I now need some new valves for the alloys.

    I have tried Piranhas of Leek but they seem to be struggling for stock. Any ideas? The alloys are of course imports and sourcing tyres was difficult enough but now that I need valves I need some help! I'm stuck.

    Does anybody out there know of a good place that is likely to supply a comprehensive range of valves that are likely to be the ones that I need?

    Please help! I am in a bit of trouble as at the moment I have no spare tyre.

    Thank you for your help (in advance),


  • #2
    I would have taken it straight back and got them to sort it out! Not much help now but anyways...
    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat

