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Coolant Loss Alarm

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  • Coolant Loss Alarm

    Hi there, I'm new to this forum but may have something that will interest some of you. I am not familer with your vehicles but having read some of your topics you may have a similar problem to the Mazda Bongo. i.e. coolant loss and overheating due to old hoses and metal pipework. If your vehicles have a thermoplastic expansion/header tank then this is a possible cure.
    Along with a company in Oz "EnginSaver" We have over the past 3 months developed a coolant loss alarm which constantly monitors the coolant level in the tank and if the level drops by only 1cm a audio/visual alarm goes off in the cab. It is very simple to fit DIY (about an hour). Over 100 have now been fitted to Bongos (in the past 8 weeks) and I have had 4 x positive feedbacks where the alarm has saved the day and probably a cylinder head at least.
    On starting the engine the alarm also "beeps/flashes" to let you know all is well and coolant hasn't been lost overnight.
    If this kit/alarm is suitable for your vehicles and the interest is there I would provide a kit FOC to a owner who is prepared to fit the kit, review it on this forum and amend the fitting instructions as required.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Haydn Callow
    Along with a company in Oz "EnginSaver" We have over the past 3 months developed a coolant loss alarm which constantly monitors the coolant level in the tank and if the level drops by only 1cm a audio/visual alarm goes off in the cab.
    Sorry mate, but if your sytem monitors the level in the expansion tank then it is totally different to the Engine Saver Low Coolant Alarm. Expansion tank warning devices would be useless in the situation where coolant loss occured while driving. In the event of a cracked head or faulty head gasket this usually results in the expansion tank filling and not the level dropping. The only use for an expansion tank alarm is for those that are too lazy to lift the bonnet and check the level occasionally. Just my opinion, but I hate when someone tries to sell something that is not properly explained or is an attempt to deceive.

    Last edited by NiftyNev; 1 October 2007, 13:16.


    • #3
      Nifty Nev. It is in fact a EnginSaver alarm. The only thing we have changed is the sensor/probes.( I am the u.k. agent for EngineSaver) The higher up the system you can place the sensor the better. The Expansion tank is perfect. Why would it be useless whilst driving?? It's worked at least 4 times to date. Don't understand where you are coming from.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Haydn Callow
        Nifty Nev. It is in fact a EnginSaver alarm. The only thing we have changed is the sensor/probes.( I am the u.k. agent for EngineSaver) The higher up the system you can place the sensor the better. The Expansion tank is perfect. Why would it be useless whilst driving?? It's worked at least 4 times to date. Don't understand where you are coming from.
        Show me the proof that you are their agent. I don't believe you. Changing the sensor location to the expansion tank defeats the whole purpose of the system. Perhaps if you are genuine the Australian manufacture of the system would like to comment. I can email them this link if you like.



        • #5
          The Engine Saver system will not work on a Surf if the sensor is moved to the expansion tank. I have no idea what expansion tank system the Bongo uses so can't comment on that. I suspect it is a different system though. Do you have details, pics or any documntation?



          • #6
            Nifty Nev. Please do contact Mr David Jones at EngineSaver. It was he who suggested i CONTACT THIS FORUM. I did not do this to be abused and accused. I thought perhaps we could pass on what we have learned developing our system to suit the Bongo. True.. It will not detect a blown head gasket but as most cracks/gasket failures are caused bu overheatin due to coolant loss then the alarm may well prevent the damage in the first place.


            • #7
              Shouldn't this thread be in the For sale section?


              • #8
                Bushwacker, Probably but I thought I would find out if it was suitable for your vehicles and if there was interest. Also the instructions will need amending to suit.
                It would seem you just carn't help. Belive me ..there is not much money being made by anyone. Could save loads in repairs.Tell me to leg it and I will.


                • #9
                  Nifty Nev
                  Email me @ haydn.callow@virgin.net
                  I will send you a copy of the Bongo Fitting instructions and other relevant info. I was only trying to find out if the Alarm would be suitable "if" you have a plastic pressurised tank. I can supply tophose inline or underhose probes but if they can go in the tank so much the better.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Haydn Callow
                    I thought perhaps we could pass on what we have learned developing our system to suit the Bongo. True.. It will not detect a blown head gasket but as most cracks/gasket failures are caused bu overheatin due to coolant loss then the alarm may well prevent the damage in the first place.
                    Read your own post. It makes no sense. I've told you it will not work on a Surf other than perhaps show low coolant in the expansion tank so how can it prevent engine damage due to overheating if coolant is lost from the engine all of a sudden? You may be able to fool some but I'm not falling for it.



                    • #11
                      Haydn......... there seems to be a little confusion over the positioning of your Gizmo in the plastic bottle.
                      On the Surf the "Expansion/header "tank is mainly for expansion.
                      When the engine on these gets hot the water expands into it, and contracts back into coolant system when cold. Therefore as soon as you park at the local filling station etc, engine starts cooling, fluid in plastic tank starts getting sucked back into engine, alarm sounds!!!!
                      Hope i've got that right!
                      www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Haydn Callow
                        Nifty Nev
                        Email me @ haydn.callow@virgin.net
                        I will send you a copy of the Bongo Fitting instructions and other relevant info. I was only trying to find out if the Alarm would be suitable "if" you have a plastic pressurised tank. I can supply tophose inline or underhose probes but if they can go in the tank so much the better.
                        You can post the instructions on the site if you want. I'd like everyone to see them, not just me. The Surf does not have a pressureised tank. Even if it did then it will still not warn of coolant loss in the engine.



                        • #13
                          If whilst driving , coolant is lost, by a hose failing or radiator leaking/water pump or what have you. Then the level of coolant in the header/expansion tank will drop and the alarm will go off. It will not detect overheating but may prevent it from happening due to coolant loss. It will not prevent everything but goes a long way towards it.
                          I know the level in the tank can in fact rise under certain conditions. This alarm has been well tested in use on the road and by creating failures.


                          • #14
                            Thank you ! thats all I wanted to know in the first place. It may well not be suitable.
                            NOTE :- there are ways of discussing over a topic and having debate.
                            you seem to have it wrong.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Haydn Callow
                              If whilst driving , coolant is lost, by a hose failing or radiator leaking/water pump or what have you. Then the level of coolant in the header/expansion tank will drop and the alarm will go off.
                              If I understand the operation of a cooling system with a pressureised expansion tank then yes it will work as you say. It will not work this way on a non pressureised expansion tank such as the Surf has.

                              I'm not saying the Engine Saver product does not work and actually intend to purchase one myself sometime. I'm saying it wont work unless the probe is installed in the correct position for the Surf. This is in the top radiator hose as per the instructions on the Engine Saver site.


