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Oil typ esubstance leaking from the exhaust area?!?!

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  • Oil typ esubstance leaking from the exhaust area?!?!


    Got up this morning to a oil rainbow puddle thing on my drive. It appears something is dripping from the exhaust. Not a lot, but enough to worry.

    Anyone any ideas what it could be?

  • #2
    A better indication of where abouts may help us to have a guess, ie) if it's below the manifold i'd guess at filter, if it's by the rear left wheel i'd suggest checking the wheel bearing
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      Originally posted by nero279
      A better indication of where abouts may help us to have a guess, ie) if it's below the manifold i'd guess at filter, if it's by the rear left wheel i'd suggest checking the wheel bearing
      Sorry, it is rear left, around the exhaust. I noticed it dripping a little when the rear window was getting fixed, and he said he's literally caked the car in oil and it's nothing to worry about. It does look like a clear oil substance.


      • #4
        could be whatever he's used to lubricate the window mech with dripping out the tailgate drain holes or where the wires come out the tailgate, especiallly if he 's used a silicone spray type lubricant. If it's literally right at the back i wouldn't worry at all, if it's closer to the rear axle i'd think about checking the seals at each wheel bearing and around the diff.
        =SOLD UP!=

