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exhaust bender.

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  • exhaust bender.

    What sort of bender do i need to bend normal mild steel exhaust pipe my one is knackered and want a custom one so i can put a smaller diameter middle box on it so i dont bash it and re route the tail pipe out behind the rear passenger wheel. been looking on e bay and they have some hydraulic ones on there also machine mart do some amy information on this subject would be great.


  • #2
    None of the tube benders you can buy from ebay will be able to produce satisfactory bends in exhaust type material. The wall thickness to overall diameter ratio is alll wrong and all you'll get are crushed bends. All the Machine Mart type machines are for bending pipe as opposed to tube, the difference being that pipe has a very thick wall, normally 5-6mm, as opposed to the 1.5mm for exhaust tube.

    Your best bet would be to buy some bends ready made or find a company that will produce the bends for you.

    My Pointer ate the dog trainer


    • #3
      Originally posted by Gamedawn
      None of the tube benders you can buy from ebay will be able to produce satisfactory bends in exhaust type material. The wall thickness to overall diameter ratio is alll wrong and all you'll get are crushed bends. All the Machine Mart type machines are for bending pipe as opposed to tube, the difference being that pipe has a very thick wall, normally 5-6mm, as opposed to the 1.5mm for exhaust tube.

      Your best bet would be to buy some bends ready made or find a company that will produce the bends for you.




      • #4
        Reliable as ever

        My Pointer ate the dog trainer


        • #5
          cheers guys just saved me 200 odd quid will look in to building a custom exhaust through buying exhaust bends and then welding them together.


