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Virgin Surfer

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  • Virgin Surfer

    Hi all.

    first post, and first surf.

    I was looking around for a while for something rugged enough to cope with the imminent emigration to Ibiza, pulling a bike, boat & everything we can get in it, and deal with the roads and lack of them there on an ongoing basis, and finally settled one of these fine machines, and all being well, will be driving off to the sun with it at the end of March. I've had it a few weeks now and am generally very happy with it, but have a couple of queries that I could do with your enormous collective expertise on if poss?

    ..firstly how much noise do they make from the drivetrain? ..when i first took it on the motorway I was a bit gutted to hear what i thought sounded like a wheel bearing drone (less when i realised that it's a tapered bearing, greasing-up type job) that increases up to about 60-65mph, and then oddly enough seems to get better, if not go away completely from about 70mph onwards.

    i've done a couple of thousand miles in it now though, and it doesnt seem to have gotten any worse, and i've since jacked it up and spun all the wheels and there's no noticeably noisy ones, or significant play on any of them, so i'm wondering if that's just how they sound? ..difficult to diagnose i know without seeing / hearing for yourselves, but should they roll silently, or is there a certain amount of drivetrain /tyre noise?

    and secondly, the 4wd, i havent used it on the move at all, but switching on whilst stationary gives a little click/clunk which i assume to be 4wd engaging, the 4wd light in the dash comes on, and then goes off again immediately. is this normal, or should it stay on all the time it's engaged?

    any advice much appreciated.

    Biggus Truckus..

  • #2
    You can get quite a bit of tyre noise. I get a continious drone with this Surf compared to previous Surf, although only notice it on M/Ways.
    Still Searching,
    Dick Whittington


    • #3
      Tyre noise, i'm on colway m/t's and it sounds like a jet engine taking off, but sort of quietly in the background. I think the 4wd light is meant to stay on alll the time it's engaged, however there are several threads/posts on here about having to drive forward several feet to get in to engage properly.
      =SOLD UP!=


      • #4
        when engaging 4wd on the button or selector try going to and fro a couple of meters just to engage it fully


        • #5
          Small point - do NOT engage 4wd on tarmac unless you want to "wind up" your transmission :

          It should only be used on loose and slippery surfaces.

          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


          • #6

            yea, i'm on knobbly Colways too funnily enough, and a jet taking off isnt a bad description it starts at about 30, gets quite loud by 50, and yea, by 65 you could be just about to leave the ground behind you..

            and I had read about "winding your gearbox up" which is why it's only ever been engaged whilst stationary, thanks for the tip, i'll go and find somewhere soft and try that.

            I think a trip down to Tony's for a thorough service before departing is probably a good idea anyway.

            was reading about intercoolers and bonnet scoops until 4am lastnight, am thinking that might be a good idea before going to live in a hot country..

            now, where to find...

            p.s fantastic forum btw.

            thanks guys
            Biggus Truckus..


            • #7
              Originally posted by kevsta
              yea, i'm on knobbly Colways too funnily enough, and a jet taking off isnt a bad description it starts at about 30, gets quite loud by 50, and yea, by 65 you could be just about to leave the ground behind you..

              and I had read about "winding your gearbox up" which is why it's only ever been engaged whilst stationary, thanks for the tip, i'll go and find somewhere soft and try that.

              I think a trip down to Tony's for a thorough service before departing is probably a good idea anyway.

              was reading about intercoolers and bonnet scoops until 4am lastnight, am thinking that might be a good idea before going to live in a hot country..

              now, where to find...

              p.s fantastic forum btw.

              thanks guys

              For starters.

              If you're worried about overheating when towing, a separate ATF cooler is probably the way to go. If you're planning to see Tony, he can advise on cost (not that much as I recall).

              If you want extra cooling on the cheap, stick a load of washers on the bolts for your bonnet to hold the back edge up. Surfstar managed to get home from southern Spain with a cracked head by doing that.
              Last edited by Sancho; 17 January 2007, 19:05.


              • #8

                I think i'm going to like it round here..

                when you say a separate ATF cooler, it appears to have one already just aboove the front bashplate unless i'm mistaken? do you mean add another?

                it also appears to have an auxiliary electric fan on the rad (frontside behind the grill) as well as the belt driven one. is this normal on a 92 (K) reg?
                Last edited by kevsta; 17 January 2007, 17:21. Reason: further thoughts..
                Biggus Truckus..


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kevsta
                  I think i'm going to like it round here..

                  when you say a separate ATF cooler, it appears to have one already just aboove the front bashplate unless i'm mistaken? do you mean add another?

                  it also appears to have an auxiliary electric fan on the rad (frontside behind the grill) as well as the belt driven one. is this normal on a 92 (K) reg?
                  The cooler above the bash plate is for the air con.

                  If towing a lot in warm weather an additonal ATF cooler would be very wise. Not a big jobby - TonyN will happily sort it if he's doing your service.

                  Aux fan normal.
                  Another member of the 'A' team


                  • #10

                    oh course it is.. ..which reminds me, that doesnt work either.

                    am i right in thinking that's R12 and therefore difficult if not impossible to get fixed / recharged now? would be nice in the Spanish summer too.

                    I'm not liable to be doing a massive amount of towing, and the boat's not particularly heavy either, but would def be interested in extra precautions to keep running temperatures down as ambient air temp is often 35-40 degrees in the summer.
                    Last edited by kevsta; 17 January 2007, 19:08.
                    Biggus Truckus..


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by kevsta
                      oh course it is.. ..which reminds me, that doesnt work either.

                      am i right in thinking its R12 and therefore difficult if not impossible to get fixed / recharged now? that would be nice in the Spanish summer too
                      get a decent air con bloke who will put in new seals i think it is and will also put a differant gas in.I can't remember what it is but do a search on air con and you will find the details you need


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kevsta
                        oh course it is.. ..which reminds me, that doesnt work either.

                        am i right in thinking its R12 and therefore difficult if not impossible to get fixed / recharged now? that would be nice in the Spanish summer too
                        You are correct on the aircon. You can get it converted at some places. I think Tony might know a man who can recharge it though. A good way to keep the inside cool is window tinting. Slydog's your man for that.


                        • #13
                          4 wheel drive

                          ..right, so have been on some soft and put it into 4wd, both High & Low and am pretty sure its only driving on the back wheels.

                          same as always, there's a reassuring click/clunk, 4wd light flicks on in the dash momentarily, then off again. I drove it backwards and forwards a few metres and had back wheels spinning, but no sign of traction on the front.

                          any ideas chaps?
                          Biggus Truckus..


                          • #14
                            i would of thought you got a vac pipe off or leaking somewhere.Have you checked all the vac pipes


                            • #15

                              it may be one of the vac pipes on the left where the T piece is

