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Brake Fade

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  • Brake Fade

    Did a search for 'brake fade' but non of the answers seemed to relate to my problem so hope you don't mind me asking this one.

    Pressing the brake pedal as normal has the desired effect (it slows down and stops)! But the other day I was following a tractor and trailer on a narrow country road which had a slight decline and kept my foot lightly on the brake pedal.

    After a while the pedal gradually softened up and started to sink to the floor! When I took my foot off the pedal and applied the brakes a little harder and for a shorter period they were fine.

    Normal braking seems fine. Could this be servo problem? Fluid levels checked over the last few days and holding steady at recommended level.

    Any ideas guys?
    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!

  • #2
    Could be the fluid was overheating, it's probably old and needs changing, hot fluid does the same thing as you describe, I've had it few times while offroading in places that need a lot of brakes.

    Or it could be the master cylinder, if the seals are worn fluid will leak past them when your pressing hard, you should be able to make do it all the time by holding the pedal down.
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      Cheers Tony, the thing is I hadn't been doing a lot of hard braking, or braking very often as the roads were quiet. The brakes are fine for normal stopping at junctions and parking etc. It was just the fact it was a slow and steady fade that unnerved me.

      I will take your advice though and have the brake fluid changed and the brakes bled. Will also have the master cylinder checked out.

      Thanks again.

      Copycat (the artist formerly known as kameeleon).
      'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


      • #4
        Does the dash brake warning light come on?
        I had a similar problem on my 2nd Gen. Fine under normal braking but faded with continuous use (down hills). Turned out to be insufficient vacuum caused by a slack drive belt (vac pump is on the back of the alternator).

        Tightened up belt, no light, no brake fade.


