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Occasional starting problem

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  • Occasional starting problem

    The vehicle is in "Park", I turn on the ignition and nothing.
    I turn the ignition off, move the gear stick forward, about a quarter of an inch, turn on the ignition and it starts.
    Sometimes, I have to go through this procedure a few times , before it will start.

    Toyota have looked at it, but it wouldn,t do it, while they were watching (perhaps its shy).
    At £80 per hour, I didn,t take them up on their offer of a "diagnostic inspection".

    Any ideas, please.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Cranfield
    The vehicle is in "Park", I turn on the ignition and nothing.
    I turn the ignition off, move the gear stick forward, about a quarter of an inch, turn on the ignition and it starts.
    Sometimes, I have to go through this procedure a few times , before it will start.

    Toyota have looked at it, but it wouldn,t do it, while they were watching (perhaps its shy).
    At £80 per hour, I didn,t take them up on their offer of a "diagnostic inspection".

    Any ideas, please.
    Sounds like a dodgy switch on the gear selector, if it believes its not in park it won't start. Try to see if it will start in neutral without problem.
    Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


    • #3
      DIAGNOSTIC INSPECTION!!!!! These people amaze me.If they had any brains at all they would locate the Safety Switch and simply adjust it and I'm sure your problem will be solved.I have a manual and don't know exactly where this switch is but I'm sure someone here does.



      • #4
        Same happens on mine, it's the selector linkage out of adjustment not allowing the selector to return fully to the park position and move the switch. You can feel the selector fully engage in the park position if you do it correct but it will happily sit in a position that looks like park. My problem is mainly that I can't get the ignition switch out.

        It's one of those jobs that I will get around to in the end but can't be bothered at the moment cos it doesn't really cause me any grief.


