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Propshaft help needed!

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  • Propshaft help needed!

    I am a bit of an imposter here because I have a 2.5L Hilux but you guys are probably best placed to answer my query.

    I recently noticed a metal cling coming from the propshaft on the pickup truck and deduced that it needed to be greased. I am actually not sure there was very much grease there to start with.
    (Didn't realise there was as much science to grease than I first thought; only after realising I put in the wrong stuff. To cut a long story short, reached 80mph and everything started to resonate in the car! Not good I hear you cry.)

    Now I have fully greased the UJ's and splice (Slip joint) with the finest offering of Moly/Lithium blah blah grease, but I happened to notice that when pumping in the grease, the splice lengthened. Ok I thought; started up to go to work this morning and the engine note was quieter at low revs and I immediately became suspicious.

    Do you think the lengthening of the splice has possibly lifted the engine of its mountings making appear quieter, and do you think it may cause any other damage to the transfer box bearings? If so do you think it will pump out the grease through normal driving?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks
    P.S. I feel bad enough about putting in the wrong grease so please don't add to my woe by chastising me further!

  • #2
    As far as I remember, there is part of the propshaft, like a sleeve/rod part,
    which does that. You can pump forever. If I'm wrong, someone will correct
    me, but I think it will, at worst, only end up chucking the excess over the
    underside of the vehicle.


    • #3
      When I greased the prop-shaft on my 2.4, the same happened. I think it's meant to happen, and the lengthening is just caused by the grease needing somewhere to go.
      Paul </Slugsie>
      Immortal.so far!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Slugsie
        When I greased the prop-shaft on my 2.4, the same happened. I think it's meant to happen, and the lengthening is just caused by the grease needing somewhere to go.
        Disconcerting when you see it, isn't it? Several minutes of pumping
        wondering where the grease is going, and then you suddenly notice that
        extending with each pump of the hand. (They'll have a field day with this).


        • #5
          Its not a great idea to over grease the splined part, if the splines are in good nick then the grease hydrolocks the splined section and it won't slide in when the axle trys to go up on its springs. This gives you a banging noise over uneven surfaces.

          If the splines are quite worn you won't notice it as much as the grease will squeeze past them easily.

          4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


          • #6
            Originally posted by MattF
            ........and then you suddenly notice that it's extending with each pump of the hand. (They'll have a field day with this).


            • #7
              Cheers guys for your help. Think I am going to decompress the slip joint as the cockpit vibes are causing deep concerns over possible damage to the transfer case bearings. (Think it has locked, as described by previous response)

              I did a few quick calcs yesterday and deduced that if the seals held the pressure, the 11000psi produced by the gun would far exceed any driveline forces produced by the back axle (by a factor 3+). I am not saying this is the case however I do think that by decompressing the drive line, it will find its on equilibrium??

              Here's hoping!! Steve

              I will keep you posted.

              Thanks again guys.


              • #8
                Success! I clambered under the truck today and had a quick investigation in the day light. (Aberdeen weather means its dark at 5pm!) Turned out that the pressure was so much so that the driveshaft kinked out towards the top passengers side of the centre bearing. As soon as I released the nipple, grease started squirting out at a fightening rate and the driveshaft straightened out.. Fingers crossed I haven't damaged the centre bearing etc. I reckon if it wasn't a Toyota Hilux I would be looking for a new driveshaft right now. Invincible by name invincible by nature!!


                • #9

                  all this talk of hand action and pumping, extending with each pump and nipples etc think I need to lay down

