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Body lift

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  • Body lift

    Now the truck has a 3" suspension lift, I've been contemplating a body lift of around 2".

    The truck sits about 3/4" lower on the drivers side on the Landcruiser springs (probably why Surf springs are longer on that side!) and I was wondering if I wanted to be really anal, could I fit a 3/4" higher body lift on that side than the other side to even it up?

    I'm not saying the 3/4" is noticeable, but the perfectionist in me would like to even it out if possible.

    Or perhaps better and easier... maybe a 3/4" spring spacer on the low side?
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    Mine had the same amount of drop on that side due to the fuel tank mainly, like you say the surf springs are made to combat this. But now ive got the front torsion bars level ive now got only about 5mm of drop on that side and thats wiv a full tank too. But i would say that anything upto your 3/4" is acceptable. If i was you i would run it about as it is and check the distances again in a couple of weeks when youve put a few miles on it. You might find that your front torsion bars may need a little lift on the drivers side.
    CHEERS JOHN................


    • #3
      Fuel tank is on the drivers side and the spring tyhat goes that side is sometimes longer......I think that if you do a bodylift you can only do the whole truck

