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Hub bronze bush - Help please, I'm bleeding!!!!!

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  • Hub bronze bush - Help please, I'm bleeding!!!!!

    I am having real REAL trouble getting the inner bronze hub bush out of my stub axle. (The one the drive shaft runs through on a KZN130). The outer one came out without too much trouble, but I have now been struggling with the inner (large) for few too many hours now. A sense of humour failure is happening big time.
    I'm working on the drive. It's getting dark. It's started to rain. I need it for tomorrow. It should 'have only taken an hour or so....'
    I have tried a selection of about a dozen punches, drifts, knock-through screwdrivers, bolsters and even the jack handle as a drift and it will not budge. The problem is that I can't even get a proper purchase on it.
    Any ideas?
    Please........................ .........
    I've thrown most of my spanners across the yard and my hands are bleeding onto my keyboard.............

  • #2
    Are you getting it out square? If you hit one side to hard it'll jam. I thought there was cut outs at 3 and 9 o'clock to help get a purchase on the bush, but not sure, its been a few months since I've done one.

    Getting the new one in is harder than getting it out!

    You know you can drive it just fine with no front drive shafts so no need to panic.
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      Thanks Tony. Ever the voice of calm and reason, and I remember you told me previously about driving without the front drive shafts in.
      Isn't it funny too, how much a cup of tea and a bite to eat puts a different perspective on things?
      It should be a standard suggestion on here for when things don't go right.


      • #4
        Originally posted by TonyN
        Are you getting it out square? If you hit one side to hard it'll jam. I thought there was cut outs at 3 and 9 o'clock to help get a purchase on the bush, but not sure, its been a few months since I've done one.

        Getting the new one in is harder than getting it out!

        You know you can drive it just fine with no front drive shafts so no need to panic.
        And presumably then, you can do a big front end lift with removed front drive shafts, and thus no UJs to wear! (Until you need 4WD of course!)

        Just be a cheap way out until I can afford manual hubs
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          I am in EXACTLY the same position as rodthrutheblock and am just as frustrated. Getting this inner bush out is hell!

          Will pursue tapping it all the way around for a little longer but I've been at it since 0900hrs this morning and it don't want to budge.

          Good to hear I can drive the truck without the drive shaft tho as its got to be on the road tomorrow....

          If anyone has a cunning way or tool to get these things out I would be most interested to hear.....


          • #6
            Trying to remember when I di mine, from the inside I just used a long screwdriver. From memory you aint got a lot to hit, so angle driver down to get on top edge etc and just hit.
            Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

            My 4x4
            My choice
            Back off


            • #7
              [QUOTE=TonyN]Getting the new one in is harder than getting it out! QUOTE]

              Put it in the freezer overnight.


              • #8

                Had almost given up. Rang the local auto-parts store in desperation and they suggested placing a large socket (from a socket set) onto an extension bar and hitting that.

                Not the best thing to do with a socket set I agree, but it worked an absolute treat

                Now to get the new one in....

                Done the outer one already just that inner now


                • #9
                  Like Vince said try freezing it, but I use a old CV joint, just mount the bush on the shaft and drive it in nice and square.

                  4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                  • #10
                    The socket on an extension bar sounds just the job. What a great idea. I've been up to my neck in it this week and so just running around with three drive shafts...................
                    Thought I'd leave it a few days too so I don't flinch when I get the hammer out. Knuckles still sore..............

                    The freezer trick was on my mind too. Done that before and it worked a treat. There are similar bronze bushes in a LR hub but they seem much easier.
                    A mate suggested pipe freezing stuff in a can to shrink the bearing. Might get it a bit colder, but guess I'll have to use a leather glove or I'll get frost-bite on my cuts and bruises!

