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Front suspension problems

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  • Front suspension problems

    Just found out that the O/S front wheel is set forward by 20mm over the N/S, can't see any damage - before I strip the suspension down has anyone any experience of this happening due to worn suspension parts??

    I will check some measurements for one side to the other first but thought this may have been covered before

    Thanx in advance

  • #2
    hi junks,

    my truck is the same, i found out when i got the laser allignment done on my wheeels.

    i had a difference of 10mm from one side to the other, the guy who done he laser allingment sayes it was my back axle that was out not the front like yours.

    i dont have any sign of damage eather, that was a year or so ago, so ive stopped worrying about it now.

    he sayed that it may be cause of the truck pulling to the left all the time, but from what i read just about everybodys surf does it.

    cheers scotty


    • #3
      Thanx Scotty, it's def the front as the wheel touchs the front bumper on the O/S when left hand lock applied - I have changed the wheels & they are slightly larger which accentuated the problem but 20mm difference side to side seems excessive.

      I have the wheels off at the moment & trying to see the difference if any in the way the suspension sits

