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Strip cleanable inline fuel filters

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  • Strip cleanable inline fuel filters

    Hi all,
    Having the biodiesel blues again. The current inline prefilter has choked up with fats, and that is in the space of a single tank fill of biodiesel. The temps are no lower than 10 degrees.

    I cannot justifiy running on RME if this is gonna happen, as it zeros any financial gain, by having to change these filters.

    Any ideas where I can get hold of a inline DIESEL fuel filter that fits the current pipe ID, is clear for checking, high flow for a 3.0Td, and strip cleanable as many time as poss? When I say strip clean, I mean strip clean - not simply open to change filters. If I got one, I can wash it indefinitely in a spot of kerosine or White spirit.

    I had to stick my current clocked unit in a microwave to melt the fats and flush it outfor immediate use, which is a pretty sad thing to do.


  • #2
    Try here...........

    about halfway down the page, aluminium fuel filters, available in silver or blue!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by ChasesDragons
      Hi all,
      Having the biodiesel blues again. The current inline prefilter has choked up with fats, and that is in the space of a single tank fill of biodiesel. The temps are no lower than 10 degrees.
      If the filter is clogging up that quickly on biodiesel at that
      temperature, it suggests you may have more of a problem
      than merely the filter. You should not have that type of fat
      level in biodiesel, especially at that temperature. I would
      double check your conversion process if it is that bad.



      • #4
        If you have been using WVO you are supposed to remove the fats, although if only used for light frying of chips you can get away with filtering - if you brought the bio I suggest you have a little word in the seller's shell like.

        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


        • #5
          if you are using WVO then I would sugest looking at what it was used for as well as your processes, concider things like anti starch agents used with chips (drywhite stops raw spuds discolouring) fish fats, and of course animal fats
          If it is a bought bio, legal with tax paid - then I guess your supplier needs to see the gunk and needs to reach for his cheque book for a supply of filters (plus a bit of compo for possible damage) sale of goods act should cover it plus I am sure there are standards for fuel that have possibly not been met, our Excise friends could help there (be nice if they worked in our interest for a change)
          If it's an iffy supplier then it's down to sending the boys round - and going elsewhere!!
          Did I mention I have a BLUE one


          • #6
            I am not sure of the quality of the Biodiesel. It is actually sold out of a Biodiesel depot on the Knowsley Business park, Liverpool.

            I figured it is all kosher? (Any smartass saying something about bacon fats, at this point runs the risk of being dragged once around the block by his testicles attached to a Surf :P )

            I find it quite odd that there was SO much coagulated $$$$ in the filter. I might try one of the other BD places in Liverpool. Its just that this place is within about 2 miles of me.

            Thanks for the filter links, I will check both out. Anyone know what kind of flow rate I need to get for the 3.0 Surfs?


            • #7
              being as their supposed to be genuine and are marketing it openly I think they might be glad to know that they might have a problem, who knows they might be greatfull, £, $. or some freebies, if not or you get a hostile reception you can allways report to you still have the option of going elsewhere. I would be more likely to look after a good local customer, one complaint negates 10 recomendations. out of interest is this a 5%bio -
              95% dino mix or 100% bio?
              It isnt unknown for a fuel company to get it wrong and the derv wax up, if that is the case C&E would love to know (or the threat of them!!)
              Did I mention I have a BLUE one


              • #8
                If they are producing and selling the stuff, there is no excuse
                for even one bad batch. That screams lack of quality control.
                If it were me, personally, I wouldn't touch that place with a
                bargepole again.



                • #9
                  I am led to believe that it is 100% RME. And, yes, I guess it is an issue, and as a mercenary consumer, I choose to vote with my wallet - any idea where else I can buy RME in Liverpool?



                  • #10
                    Can't tell specifically what it is these sell, but it may be worth


                    Just don't read their charter. (Unless you have a nausea bag to hand).


                    Running off on a complete tangent now, I'm all for biofuels of any type,
                    but why do most of the various companies, individuals or groups who
                    have any type of vested interest in biodiesel, S.V.O or W.V.O, have to
                    be such anal retentives that think their way is the best. They are
                    complementary alternatives, that is all. Rant finished.



                    • #11
                      Would be very carefull in preparing and using Biopower's version of biodiesel. It is NOT Methyl Ester Biodiesel, but WVO with added...stuff. It needs to be thinned down or mixed almost 50% with Diesel, to use in an unmodified vehicle. My last Fuel pump (Surf) expired as I was on my 3rd tank of straight bio power fuel.

                      I am looking specifically for RME diesel, now - more like Dino in viscosity, methinks.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ChasesDragons
                        Would be very carefull in preparing and using Biopower's version of biodiesel. It is NOT Methyl Ester Biodiesel, but WVO with added...stuff. It needs to be thinned down or mixed almost 50% with Diesel, to use in an unmodified vehicle. My last Fuel pump (Surf) expired as I was on my 3rd tank of straight bio power fuel.
                        I was wondering what it was that they supplied. I always became
                        bored stiff with that site before I could figure out what their product
                        was. That is a site that knows the true meaning of vague.



                        • #13
                          get a diesel therm or a heat exchanger

                          [QUOTE=ChasesDragons]Hi all,
                          Having the biodiesel blues again. The current inline prefilter has choked up with fats, and that is in the space of a single tank fill of biodiesel. The temps are no lower than 10 degrees.

                          I cannot justifiy running on RME if this is gonna happen, as it zeros any financial gain, by having to change these filters.

                          Any ideas where I can get hold of a inline DIESEL fuel filter that fits the current pipe ID, is clear for checking, high flow for a 3.0Td, and strip cleanable as many time as poss? When I say strip clean, I mean strip clean - not simply open to change filters. If I got one, I can wash it indefinitely in a spot of kerosine or White spirit.

                          I had to stick my current clocked unit in a microwave to melt the fats and flush it outfor immediate use, which is a pretty sad thing to do.

                          Try dieselveg.com they have loads of filters and a bowl type that can be unscrewed and washed out IVPG1210 £24.63

                          or maybe a dieseltherm 12 v inline heater


                          • #14
                            Thanks, that inline filter would have been perfect. I just bought a cleanable plastic filter for £24 (!!!) and it looks nowhere near the quality of the product referred to in the above message.

                            BTW, watch out for steel or other metallic filters, the water in the diesel might cause em to oxidise.

                            New observation - the diesel entering this new filter looks to be aerated, I do not remember this to be the case previously. Is this a PROBLEM?

                            Where is the pump in the KZN130? is it BEFORE the fuel filter or after the fuel filter?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ChasesDragons
                              New observation - the diesel entering this new filter looks to be aerated, I do not remember this to be the case previously. Is this a PROBLEM?
                              Biodiesel still has a higher viscosity than normal dino. The
                              bubbles are generally just an effect of the return of warmer
                              fuel to the tank. It should settle down after a few minutes of


