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expansion tank

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  • expansion tank

    checked coolant today, all seems well, at the metal coolant thingy, but the expansion tank seem pretty low.

    i know that you are supposed to fill the coolant up via the metal one and not the expansion bottle.

    so is all right to fling some coolant into the expansion tank to top it up?

    cheers scotty

  • #2
    hi mate ,dont think its a problem as long as the rad is full there is no air locks and the expansion bottle is not over filled ,after all it is there for the expansion ,there should be a level line stick to this when cold and all should be well.


    • #3
      The expansion tank is only a place to store expanded hot coolant. When the coolant warms up it expands and the expanded bit is not wasted but stored in the plastic expansion tank. As the truck cools down and the water in the rad contracts it will pull some of this 'waste' coolant out of the expansion tank to ensure no loss in the rad the next time you start it from cold.
      The expansion tank is only filled to a level as some slight evaporation is usual in use and a set level in the expansion tank prevents this. Without this failsafe you would gradually lose coolant in the rad itself and eventually get overheating.
      To answer your question: First top up the (metal) rad itself with the appropriate coolant type (some Toyotas use a red mix as opposed to the usual green and the two aren't supposed to be mixed). Take out the expansion tank and give it a good clean inside and out. (I did mine in the dish washer but was sussed by the misses who thought something was up as I never normally go near the thing.) Top the expansion tank with coolant up to the now visible line. When it's hot the level will go up. When cold it should remain at the marked level.
      Try to avoid using ordinary water in the rad if possible as you have an ali head and the proper coolant will protect it.


      • #4
        Originally posted by rodthrutheblock
        The expansion tank is only a place to store expanded hot coolant. When the coolant warms up it expands and the expanded bit is not wasted but stored in the plastic expansion tank. As the truck cools down and the water in the rad contracts it will pull some of this 'waste' coolant out of the expansion tank to ensure no loss in the rad the next time you start it from cold.
        The expansion tank is only filled to a level as some slight evaporation is usual in use and a set level in the expansion tank prevents this. Without this failsafe you would gradually lose coolant in the rad itself and eventually get overheating.
        To answer your question: First top up the (metal) rad itself with the appropriate coolant type (some Toyotas use a red mix as opposed to the usual green and the two aren't supposed to be mixed). Take out the expansion tank and give it a good clean inside and out. (I did mine in the dish washer but was sussed by the misses who thought something was up as I never normally go near the thing.) Top the expansion tank with coolant up to the now visible line. When it's hot the level will go up. When cold it should remain at the marked level.
        Try to avoid using ordinary water in the rad if possible as you have an ali head and the proper coolant will protect it.



        • #5
          Damn good reply. I think that should be made a sticky.
          It's only a hobby!


          • #6
            thanks again guy,

            agree with kitesurf, should be sticky.

            now just been out and cheched, my coolant is green, had it flushed and changed last year.

            now do i buy some green stuff to top it up or will some de ionised water do it?

            does the green coolant have a specific name?
            can i mix it with blue coolant?
            how do i know when i buy new coolant that it ts green ( does it say on it or do i brass neck it and crack the bottle open in the shop).

            sorry to be a pest, and thanks again.


            • #7
              if your not topping up much then deionised water is fine, anything more substanstial mix some coolant too.
              if your dropping the lot id change it all for fresh stuff.
              Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat

