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urgent!! Bad oil leak just started??

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  • urgent!! Bad oil leak just started??

    Hi all, i have a 92 2.4 and have just found a large oil patch on the drive. I haven't had time to have a good look yet but it is engine oil and looks to be coming from the passenger side of the engine? i know its hard to tell without looking but anyone any ideas of where it could be coming from? My first thought was filter but its the wrong side, looks to be coming from half way up so not sump, will get under it later tonight but just looking for pointers as to what to look for as its plastered in oil.

  • #2
    ok, found it!! It was the oil filter seal. was that much oil it just looked like it was coming from the other side as it was running along the belly pan.


    • #3
      Glad it turned out to be nothing expensive mate, nice when it turns out like that, pity about the drive.
      Laugh!!! I nearly bought my own beer.


