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Drive shaft felt out of OSF CV joint

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  • Drive shaft felt out of OSF CV joint

    Hi, only registered today, bought my first man's truck 2 weeks ago, G reg 2.4 manual surf, absolutely loving it, got a Impreza Turbo at home aswell but have to say its been demoted to 2nd place for the moment.

    Anyway I was out over the w/end at a place called Matcham's near Bournemouth where they have a pay and play deal on the last Sunday of each month, loads of mud and inclines/declines etc (great laugh!! :o) only thing is, I got there with 4 wheel drive and left with only two, closer inspection showed that the drive shaft had come out of the CV joint, has this happened to anyone else?

    As far as I know this is a completely standard Surf, having only just got this I am now keen to understand any none week pionts if you want to do a bit of off roading/green laning.

  • #2
    Its not a weak point, only seen it once before, it can't come out if installed properly, you try getting one out normally!

    The tulip end by the diff isn't actually secured, so it if over flexed for any reason (which it can't unless you break a balljoint) this end will pop out first.

    I'd say it was either badly installed, or the CV has broken up and let the shaft pull through with its circlip.

    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      Obviusly not having owned the vechicle for long I'm not sure of any previous work done, a friend of mine helped to losen the existing joint and thought it may have happened out when we were messing around in some sand, in hind sight I got a little carried away doing "kind of" donut's but forgot to put it into 2wd. I guess you live and learn but I was having so much fun!!!!!!

      On the basis that I promise to be a little more sensible is there anything that I should be aware of?

      Also is it worth fitting a snorkel? as I said I am kinda new to this, I would'nt say that I am extreme but very keen to enjoy my new toy.

