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heater matrix Arghhhhhh!

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  • heater matrix Arghhhhhh!

    right my heaters NEVER worked went to local mechanic and between both of us decided that matrix must be blocked with sh**t as couldnt get anythink to flow through it, i thought easy fit a new 1 jesus had i of known i woulda just brought an other jacket!!!!! it took me ages to pretty much stip the entire dash top and bottom and then take apart the whole fan housing to get to the matrix! (no wonder neo had such a hard time finding it!!1 haha) any way fitted a new one got it all half back 2 gether before it got dark and still no flow throu it!!!! even the flow to it is pretty poor and the pipes feel half full of rust whcih cant be helping! need some advice! anyway 2 completely blast system out to get rid of all the nasty stuff in it? even my rear heater must be full of gunk as that dont even get hot! am freezin my bits off and need help!!!
    oh and cos its not all back 2gether now my indicaters dont work, im guessin cos hazard switch not connected to make circuit?
    slowely, slowely catching the monkey

  • #2
    Hi. You will find loads of info about flushing your heater martrix. Generally using a hose pipe in the inlet and outlet pipes is a fairly recognised way i think. Just have a search around. Den


    • #3
      Originally posted by den 22
      Hi. You will find loads of info about flushing your heater martrix. Generally using a hose pipe in the inlet and outlet pipes is a fairly recognised way i think. Just have a search around. Den
      see this thread,, should be just the ticket for your probs

      mines a big one!!!


      • #4
        Just make sure you blow all the cr*p out backwards, i.e against the flow or you will be blocking it more. It took 100psi of air to blow my rear matrix out, but works fine now.


        • #5
          Originally posted by sl8eo
          oh and cos its not all back 2gether now my indicaters dont work, im guessin cos hazard switch not connected to make circuit?
          Yep. Indicators need the Hazard Switch connected. My dash is apart so I just pluged it in to the harness.



          • #6
            Sounds mad but we once used Fernox which is used in central heating systems to good effect. You can get it in builders merchants.
            Reverse flush first with air or water them run a mix of Fernox through the system for a while.
            On really old systems dislodging that much crud often reveals leaks that the silt was sealing so be prepared.
            A mate of mine wanted to flush a vintage Bentley rad, so he took the rad off, disconnected a radiator in his kitchen and plumbed the Bentley rad into his heating system with two hoses. He then flushed the household system at the same time. The Bentley rad made a very upmarket hand warmer...............

