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New (Milner supplied) head gasket problem

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  • New (Milner supplied) head gasket problem

    Has anyone else successfully fitted a Milner supplied head gasket or had any problems with one?

    A while ago I bought a new gasket set and head bolts from Milner Off Road because mine was leaking a bit of oil and a mechanic mate was going to do the work. My mate has since moved jobs so cannot do the work so I booked it into Newbury 4x4.

    They fitted the new head gasket but found it was inferior to the original (it did not have rubber washers where the original did or something) and as a result it leaked worse than the dodgy original. So they have now ordered an original gasket but obviously I will now be paying for two gaskets and a lot more labour.

    Not saying this is a problem with Milner or Newbury 4x4 but I just want to know if anyone else has any experience - obviously if the gasket I bought is not fit for purpose then I would expect a refund from Milner but how do I prove this?
    No longer a Surf owner.

  • #2
    Head Gasket

    Hi Codlord

    I fitted a head and the complete gasket set that came with the head in june and to date no problems. There were No rubber gaskets on the head gasket. Cant say I have ever come accross a rubber gasket (oring ) on a head gasket. Long time ago they used to put them in to a resess in the block so as to make a good seal on oil ways to the head. I'd ask for the old head gasket back if there is something wrong with it (which I doubt) I'm sure they will sort it. Have dealt with Milner a lot they are very good.
    Good luck

    Last edited by rubblebags; 15 December 2003, 14:49.
    Rubblebags (Geoff).


    • #3
      Originally posted by codlord
      Has anyone else successfully fitted a Milner supplied head gasket or had any problems with one?

      A while ago I bought a new gasket set and head bolts from Milner Off Road because mine was leaking a bit of oil and a mechanic mate was going to do the work. My mate has since moved jobs so cannot do the work so I booked it into Newbury 4x4.

      They fitted the new head gasket but found it was inferior to the original (it did not have rubber washers where the original did or something) and as a result it leaked worse than the dodgy original. So they have now ordered an original gasket but obviously I will now be paying for two gaskets and a lot more labour.

      Not saying this is a problem with Milner or Newbury 4x4 but I just want to know if anyone else has any experience - obviously if the gasket I bought is not fit for purpose then I would expect a refund from Milner but how do I prove this?
      Got my gasket from Uk cylinder heads, toyota spec one, dont recall any rubber 'o' rings on it. Sure they cleaned the block up nicely, no dirt under the gasket etc???
      Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

      My 4x4
      My choice
      Back off


      • #4
        probably just a jealous land rover specialist trying to sting you!!

        surely any garage would be able to fit a headgasket?? or a jap specialist?
        land rover specialist probably never seen a modern engine!

        did they try painting it green?
        nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


        • #5
          I picked it up this morning and he showed me the original vs the Milner supplied one and the original did have flat rubber rings around the outside of the oil channels whereas the Milner one was just the metal of the gasket.
          No longer a Surf owner.


          • #6
            Has the garage checked the head surface for warpage ? if the head is warped or distorted then you will have trouble getting it to seal, because it is a heavy piece of cast iron it will not pull down as much as an Aluminium cyl head. Incidentaly the last 2L head I skimmed was .015" (15 thou ) warped. Normal cost to skim is £30 if head is stripped.
            Regards Steve.


            • #7
              Hi, Just a quick note, I had a problem with a Pajero a few years ago & sent for a head gasket from Milners, had it fitted & it blew within a couple of days so had it re done with an OE gasket, we noticed a difference in the thickness & the quality of the Milner one, I think it pays to get an OE gasket, after fitting that I had no other troubles!


              • #8
                3 years to give him an answer ,thats cruel hehe
                Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                • #9
                  Originally posted by joker??
                  3 years to give him an answer ,thats cruel hehe
                  My thoughts exactly lol
                  Another member of the 'A' team


                  • #10
                    Head.Gasket symptoms

                    Hi Guys
                    Being a newbi, what are the usual symptoms of a faulty head/gasket as it pertains to Surfs?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by johnsiddle
                      Hi Guys
                      Being a newbi, what are the usual symptoms of a faulty head/gasket as it pertains to Surfs?
                      Details dear chap including your engine size would help .
                      2.4 engines are more likley to have a cracked head that pressureizes the cooling system

                      if you are looking you can get a block tester that sniffs gases in the coolant and will give some help , BUT some small cracks can take up to 20 mins to show


                      • #12
                        Surf Heads

                        Hi mate.
                        I didnt mention engine size cuz I thought it was only 2.4's that had the problem.
                        I ask cuz I have bought a 2.4 that is presurising the system but it takes an hour or so to do it.

                        temp goes up to three quarters hot but will drop if engine is revved.

                        I am told by the seller that it has had, I quote
                        "New cyl h'd complete with camshaft valves etc(£600.00 from Milners 4x4)new cyl h'd bolts, full H'd gasket set,water pump, camshaft idler,cambelt,heater plugs" and has just had a garage service.

                        It will do a 3mile journey OK so I am hoping not a head fault.

                        Maybe thermostat or blocked rad.

                        What do you think.


                        • #13
                          could it be the water pump or viscous coupling if it needs to be revved to keep the temperature down at idle, but drives ok? I don't know that's just the way my brain works. Could be airlocked or something aswell i guess
                          =SOLD UP!=


                          • #14
                            2.4 head

                            Thanks Mate.
                            I will blitz it on Sat, starting with taking the thermostat out. If that doesnt cure it ..... back to the drawing bd.

                            When you say the vicious (OK I cant smell prperly) do you mean the fan coupling???



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by johnsiddle
                              When you say the vicious (OK I cant smell prperly) do you mean the fan coupling???
                              =SOLD UP!=

