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crash damage and bull bars

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  • crash damage and bull bars

    Hi All,
    Just returned from a great skiing strip to Switzerland - 2000 mile round trip and my 3rd gen was spot, engine smooth, great traction in the snowey tracks, apart that is, from when I hit some black ice going down a road and slid into a brand new Porsche Cayenne.

    Now we were going slow enough that none of the airbags went off, and I thought my truck would be OK with the OEM 3rd gen bull bar on the front. Especially as the Porsche just had a split front bumper. But alas no, my truck has suffered nearly £4k worth of frontal damage.

    Thankfully insurance is covering it, but I wondering when I get it back whether it would have survived better if the bull bar had not been there. It seems that the bend in the metal bars collapsed completely and resulted in the bull bar breaking everything behind it, and spreading the impact area across the whole of the front of the vehicle, rather than the bumper taking the impact where it occured.

    Anyone got any views on whether I should remove it, as I'm not bothered about the looks?

  • #2
    That has always been my concern with the wrap round bull bars. That is why I have stuck with the standard Surf A-bar. I have seen a few accident damaged 4x4s where the bull bar has come back and whacked the bonnet, valance and both wings.
    It's only a hobby!


    • #3
      3rd gens look much better without bars on the front.

