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*** Paint Colour!, Anyone? ***

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  • *** Paint Colour!, Anyone? ***

    Hi All,

    I noticed today that I have had a flake of paint come away from the wheel arch and to my surprise it was white plastic underneath!

    Anyhow, having had a few stone chips etc. and the usual paint damage due to wear and tear I am in need of a few touch ups.

    My questions are this!

    My baby is Dark Metallic Blue, as are a few of the Surfs owned here!

    i. Are all Dark Metallic Blue Surfs the same colour?

    ii. If this is the case, what is the colour code etc. and where can I get it?

    iii. What is the best way to touch up damaged paint?

    iv. Is there any tips or advice anyone can give me to get the paintwork looking really good again!

    Thanks in advance!


  • #2
    The paint code is on the identity plate that's fixed to the bulkhead.
    Milners do touch-up paint in spray cans.

    I find coloured wax polish is good for restoring the paint finish.


    • #3

      Thanks for the reply!

      Whereabouts on the bulkhead is the plate?

      What should I be looking for when I look for the code?

      Is it 5 digits, 4 digits, numbers and letter?

      Need the "little painbrush" type touch up as well, is this an option at milners?




      • #4
        Hi Garry, your paint code should be 8E3GV83 but check your I.D. plate to confirm this. If you get a spray can of paint, just spray some into the paint can lid and use that for stone chips with a small brush.
        Attached Files


        • #5

          Hi Mate,

          I managed to get the colour code and went to halfords who mixed a batch up for me.

          They used the code Toyota 8E3!

          Is this gonna be ok?

          It looks ok but I don't wanna put it on if they haven't done it right!




          • #6
            Yep, that's the one. 8E3GV83


            • #7
              You really do need to get this mixed as standard 8E3 out of the can and mixed as standard does not match. Vision paints 8E3 is the best match I have found, PPG 8E3 does not match and is too dark.


              • #8
                Originally posted by lucky
                You really do need to get this mixed as standard 8E3 out of the can and mixed as standard does not match. Vision paints 8E3 is the best match I have found, PPG 8E3 does not match and is too dark.
                If you have one of these silly n/s wing mounted kerbside view mirrors, take it in to your local pro paintshop and they will match it....wouldn't go anywhere near toyota or halford....BTW the former said the code on mine didnt match any colours in their range...You may also need to take in another body section to match the other colour if it's two tone / most are from what I've seen..

                Peter..(unless you have good facilities, NOW in uk is NOT good time for spray painting no matter how small an area ) so just protect bare metal till conditions improve.

