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Engine noise low oil pressure

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  • Engine noise low oil pressure

    Having read another thread about engine noises can anyone let me know if i should be getting my surf checked out. I had the motor serviced about 3 months back, just oil and filters and its been fine. Last few days i've noticed the oil pressure indicator seems to be dropping to about the 1/4 line when i drop off the throttle but goes back up again to halfway or just short of halfway when i accelerate. I've also noticed it seems more difficult to start this last week and i'm getting a lot more white smoke from the exhaust on starting. As for noises its always been a bit whistly i guess the best description is like a chirp similar to a cricket (go on take the p155 i deserve it but thats what it sounds like!) Power seems ok but after 6 months i probably wouldnt know anyway. Its a 2.4 by the way and the head was replaced a year ago. Any ideas ?
    regards Paul
    Last edited by Paul739; 9 January 2006, 19:08.

  • #2
    White smoke tends to indicate water, could be just a build of moisture somewhere??
    As for the oil pressure it sounds OK, both my Surfs and the Runner do exactly the same. At idle its about 1/4 then up to half under load and drops back down when foot comes off the gas.
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    My 4x4
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    • #3
      thanks for that Koi, iwas a bit concerned abot the oil pressure thing. Duno about the moisture build up i was only using the motor at weekends but since i changed job the last 2 weeks i beeen using t every day, not long trips mostly half hour or so. i'll keep a look out
      thanks again Paul


      • #4
        hmmm, when i read your post, i thought you was describing my surf..oil pressure does read low at idle, especially when the oil has gotten hot, therefore thinner..i recal reading that the system on the surf relys on flow, rather than pressure..

        the white smoke is probably condensation, especially as your head is a replacement one anyway..after all, its a big exhaust pipe to heat, and at this time of year the moisture flows out like a dry ice machine.

        the whistling noise is normally the turbo, and is normal.."cricket" sound? well, i struggle with noise descriptions too, but the only sound i get, that could sound like an evocative night on a sardinian beach would be one of the belt pulleys complaining a little..

        regarding the difficult starting..make sure the batteries are at the correct level, ie, no dry cells..check the connections too..when turning the key, wait beyond the pre heater light blinking out, then wait for the little click from under the bonnet..that might make a difference..if its still reluctant, then it'll be the glow plugs..if you are turning it over before the glow plugs have gotton up to proper temperature, then that would also explain away the smoke, which would in fact be unburnt fuel and not just condensation..

        if you want to hear strange tones eminating from a hilux surf, pop round to my place, but for now, i'd just take some deep inhalations, and rest easy..
        Last edited by mickey; 10 January 2006, 07:27.

