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light steering

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  • light steering

    Happy new year all
    has anybody had trouble with the faster you go the lighter the steering becomes untill over 65 mph it seems to drift or be so light that a little movement of the wheel and you will change lanes,Ive just had new steering bushes put on but it aint cured the problem
    thanks all now sorted had new shocks all round and its great again
    Last edited by cusso; 15 February 2006, 23:54.

  • #2
    I noticed mine started to 'wander' at motorway speeds, but I think thats 'cos I could do with a new steering damper.


    • #3
      I had assumed it was a common 4x4 thing. As you and the vehicle body are sitting higher than say a mondeo, any bodyroll/movement you feel is exagerated. I find that if you make a concious effort to not react to small "drifting" it drifts straight back to where it should be without correction. I first experienced this when I was eighteen and was lucky enough to drive my uncle's then brand new Land Cruiser on a regular basis.
      When I bought my Surf recently it jogged my memory!
      BTW, uncle has still got the Land Cruiser and has recently done up and resprayed the body. He is after new chrome bumpers all round if anyone knows of any (Its a "C" plate)!
      If you're gonna have one ...... have a good'un!


      • #4
        Originally posted by cusso
        Happy new year all
        has anybody had trouble with the faster you go the lighter the steering becomes untill over 65 mph it seems to drift or be so light that a little movement of the wheel and you will change lanes,Ive just had new steering bushes put on but it aint cured the problem
        sorted had new shocks all round and now fine

