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Injector Pump Leaking (after running on veg oil)

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  • #16
    A Happy Ending:

    I replaced all bar two seals in the pump - the one behind the weird triangular plug at the high pressure end and the one in the dump valve. The seal kit from Milner Offroad contained MOST seals, but I had to purchase three or four more.

    I managed to get the pump back together OK* and "my man" re-fitted the pump plus changed the timing belt and idler at the same time. All is well again and I'm back on mineral diesel until the two-tank system is ordered & fitted.

    Can anyone recommend a suitable two-tank kit? How about dieselveg.com?

    *One important tip re: pump disassembly: when withdrawing the high pressure end (with injector outputs) from the main body, make sure the pump is vertical - i.e. 90 deg from it's normal orientation. This way, the numerous rollers, sleeves and washers won't fall into a heap inside. Not a problem if they do, but it took me a while to work out which end the dished washers fitted. Obviously, use the vertical orientation during re-assembly, too. BR, David.
    David Poyner
    Barton Alpacas, Somerset, England.
    Blood-red (inside & out) 2.4 Auto SSR Limited


    • #17
      Many years ago, I used to run a Peugeot 205 on SVO (it was 30p / litre back then) I had the same problem you describe, with the pump leaking oil. To make matters worse, it leaked over my alternator and destroyed that too. However, I found that running a fewgallons of diesel through the system sorted the leak. After this, I would run aaround 5-10% diesel and never had a recurrence, what's more, I never changed the seals on the pump and was getting 50% more to the gallon than I got on diesel. If only I could get 70mpg from the Surf.

