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Replacement engine...cost?

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  • Replacement engine...cost?

    Hiya guys,

    The engine on my 1994 3.0 SSRX is knackered, and I need a new one. Anybody know the rough price of getting hold of a replacement and the cost of putting it in? Given the age of the vehicle am i better off selling it to a garage (if they'll have it) and getting what i can; or selling off the parts; rather than replacing the engine just to have it go wrong again?????

    Pete Davies

    "..this one goes to eleven"
    Nigel Tuffnell, Spinal Tap

  • #2
    Can it not be rebuilt?
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      I hadn't considered this, but I was on the point of selling it anyway when the engine packed up.

      If somebody wanted to have it as a project then make me an offer; I just want to make the best out of a bad situation; I now have a van running to replace it so it would be a case of paying to fix it, then selling it straight away. I was just looking for the best situation.

      Sooner is better for me unless there is a BIG difference in the price I'd get for it.....

      Pete Davies

      "..this one goes to eleven"
      Nigel Tuffnell, Spinal Tap


      • #4
        Originally posted by welshpete
        I hadn't considered this, but I was on the point of selling it anyway when the engine packed up.

        If somebody wanted to have it as a project then make me an offer; I just want to make the best out of a bad situation; I now have a van running to replace it so it would be a case of paying to fix it, then selling it straight away. I was just looking for the best situation.

        Sooner is better for me unless there is a BIG difference in the price I'd get for it.....

        Just as an indication, I took out my 3.0L, stripped it myself, took the short block to a specialist, re bore, 1 liner, new pots, ends, refitted new head, gaskets, oils, re designed rad custom made, viscus fan overhaul etc little change out of £2000,including the head, and I did the labour myself, but now have a great 3.0L - not an economic repair, I think, but glad I did it -and it goes like stink a true blue blur!!
        only you can decide how much you like the motor and what is wrong with it, fortunately all my ancilleries were OK
        hope it helps but I guess you are in a quandry - which way to go and if someone has to spend that much dough on it it cant be worth a lot!
        Did I mention I have a BLUE one


        • #5
          whats wrong with the engine?
          Landcruiser Colorado
          Sub. Forester


          • #6
            Originally posted by andycook
            whats wrong with the engine?
            That's "the 64,000 dollar question" - so caveat emptor, or you pays yer money, you .................let the buyer beware.

            As stated by others, an its just the time of year, yup a winter project...must be cheaper than our friend from dartmoor shelled out, not that I'm bein critical of his scheme he KNEW the rest of his vehicle....

            I have all the running gear, prolly worth around £1500 or so, but it will be housed eventually in a 3rd gen.....so welsh pete, for evryone else, what you askin ?



            • #7
              Well, I'm just about to head up to the garage and find exactly what is wrong with it (I'm not the most technical minded) and will let you know. I am going to see if they want it off me first; but if not I will let you guys know.
              If anybody is interested in the project, be my guest. I love my surf, but it's time to say goodbye....

              Drop me a line on welshpete@hotmail.com if you are interested

              Pete Davies

              "..this one goes to eleven"
              Nigel Tuffnell, Spinal Tap


              • #8

                The garage said that the pistons have gone on the engine and it would be a case of getting a new engine. So if anyone out there wants a fixer-upper; or deals in parts or anything, make me an offer.
                I'm not going to say a price, since i don't really care how much i get, as long as somebody will take it away and use it for what it's worth (a garden ornament???)....drop me a line on welshpete@hotmail.com or call on 07782 381845.
                Other than the engine everything else is sopt on.....it got an MOT at the end of september!!1

                Best offer over the next week or so gets it.

                Pete Davies

                "..this one goes to eleven"
                Nigel Tuffnell, Spinal Tap

