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feeling hot hot hot HEAD MAYBE

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  • feeling hot hot hot HEAD MAYBE

    i have just driven from north wales to coventry and back again asi have arrived nearly home my engine warning light came on on checking my instruments i have noticed my engine is red hot theres no heat coming out the heater and the car cools down in about 10 mins if switched off its now in the garage i know info is vague but does this sound like the heads gone and if so where is the cheapest place to get a good one from ???

  • #2
    If it wasn't before it probably is now. First thing is to check how much water is in the radiator. Should be topped up full. Do this with heater fully open (hot) back & front. Try running it from cold with the rad cap off and check/top up the level if it starts shifting air out. If it overflows straight away then probably head or gasket gone.
    Mike G

