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3.0 engine into a 2.5

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  • 3.0 engine into a 2.5

    OK - it has been deemed that I have been checking the gearbox oil rather than the engine oil... CAUSE TOYOTA HID THE FRIGGIN THING!!!! WHAT A STUPID, HIDDEN PLACE TO PUT IT AND WHAT A STUPID PLACE TO PUT THE GEARBOX OIL DIP STICK... grrrrrr /rant over...

    So thats why my oil pressure hit zero and it sounded like metal hitting metal. Anyway, the garage has but oil in, and said it took loads of water also (which is weird cause it wasnt overheating) - Anyway, rather than take the engine apart (they reckon it need new shells, mininum) and see what the damage is they suggested just getting a replacement engine.

    The engine still starts up and runs fine apart from the loud clatter. (maybe I did the right thing just stopping and not using it when I heard the sound)

    Anyway.. will a 3 litre engine go straight in? What else would I need?

    Or, should I just go for the 2.5litre?



  • #2
    have a look on the australian surf site, theres a link here somewhere. unless you are doing it as part of a masters degree in square peg/round hole interfaces, 3 into 2.4 dont go. sorry
    it's in me shed, mate.


    • #3
      Fair enough - thanx

      direct replacement it is then

