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worried by clang noise.

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  • worried by clang noise.

    I have been reading as much as i can on this forum to try understand the cause of the noise i am hearing on my 3d Gen Surf.

    However, I am just getting more worried because I can't seem to find a definitive (or even suggestive) course of action.

    I am hearing a metallic clang when driving over bumps in the road. The sound is more noticeable on the passenger side, and is only really noticeable in two wheel drive.

    I have found one of the anti-roll bar mounting bushes to be knackered and will be replacing it tomorrow. My worry comes from the fact that i cannot see how that would be affected differently by 2wd or 4wd .

    I have seen suggestions that make me think it might be a CV Joint - but i have no clue what a cv joint is. Its been suggested I try to move this to check for play....okay, but can someone tell me or post a pic or two so i know which bit to test.

    sorry i sound like a complete novice (I am !!) , but i want to learn how to do all this stuff....it just worries me that its my only transport and dismantling the wheels is quite serious.

    Also - i'm gonna replace the front shocks...I assume i would be better waiting to get the wheel alignment done after the shocks are fitted?


    "silly keeps you sane"

  • #2
    It sounds to me like you might have play in the front drive train somewhere? Maybe a wheel bearing? Jack the vehicle off the floor and grab the tyre from 9-3. Then try and pull and push it in and out. If you have play in the bearing, you will notice some play and might here a slight clicking noise. Spin the wheel also and see if it makes a grinding noise. It might be a rubber bush perished. If you don't notice it in 4wd thats because the torque of the drive train is taking up the slack on whatever has the play in it. Could be a king pin? In fact I know this doesn't help, but it could be a lot of things. Without seeing the vehicle it's hard to say what could be causing it. But I wouldn't say it's TOO serious, as it would do it all the time otherwise. Is it getting worse?


    • #3
      it was much simpler...a combination of a knackered anti-roll bar bush and two of the sump guard bolts had worked loose.

      I replaced the bushes, tightened the sump plate bolts and have not had a sound since....I also replaced the front shocks and had the wheel alignment done as it was way out. I think replacing the rear shocks is the next job...trouble with doing a couple of jobs on the truck is it seems to be addictive and you start looking for other things to do!!

      "silly keeps you sane"

