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brake shoes

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  • brake shoes

    i've done them before, but there's a horseshoe shaped circlip thing that i can't get off without breaking it!... how des that work??

    it's the one holding the adjuster mechanism on... i.e. take first circlip off, remove adjuster arm, then there's another circlip... that's the one i can't do!

    no worry about rushing, i'm off down the boozer!
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

  • #2
    ok,it's been a while since i"ve done rear brakes but if the clip you are talking about is fairly thick (1/8") you use a small screw driver to lever off the shaft and when you replace it slide on and close back up with a pair of pliers.I may have even replaced this type of clip in the past with E-clips.I keep forgetting to take my memory improvement medication. I'm sure someone will correct me if i'm wrong.



    • #3
      i know what you mean!... i've changed the shoes before, but never remembered this one!... seems to bend rather than be springy!... don't wanna fubar it cos i've never seen one before and don't kniw where i'd get a replacement!
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #4
        Yeah.They are not a "springy" clip.I recall they are a softish sort of metal and this allows them to open up and then be reclamped when reinstalling.I've never really liked them but I suppose they do the job.When I used E-clips I think I used two because they are thinner.I just installed them with one at 180 deg to the other.



        • #5
          cheers... looks like a "rip it out" and see how it goes... wil have to move it cos i'm blocking the other car in so i can't pop out for spares if it goes wrong!

          bit of a wierd one to have 2 different`retainers in pretty much the same place!

          ****** japs!
          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

