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air con wobble

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  • air con wobble

    anyone know if the clutch on air con can wear enough to cause the pully wheel to wobble, is this something that can be fixed.cheers.

  • #2
    Unbelievably slow response!

    Hi belly b!

    Yes and no (i think!)

    My Surf's Aircon was, how can I put it politely, broken! The aircon wheel was as you put it wobbling. The reason apparently was that the bearing had gone at the front of the aircon pump. This in turn had seized the shaft from the pump and had then ripped the middle of the pump pulley, which is rubber, to shreads. Thus it wobbled.

    The only cure, that I'm aware of is a new pump and pulley. To get that new from Toyota - you just don't want to know...seriously you don't. Best trying to find one second hand in good working condition.

    Hope that helps - hope that you're still there!!!


    p.s. When it's hot, the Surf has a hell of a lot of opening windows that can help to keep you cool. I even discovered that if you drive fast enough you can drive with the sun roof open even when it's raining - tough on anyone sat in the back though!!!
    Constantly Striving to Attain Lower Standards

