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looking for reassurance and a bit of help.

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  • looking for reassurance and a bit of help.

    Hi Yall

    Sitting here surfing the site, drinking me cold Coors from the fridge and munching on a bowl of red cherries..

    I am in need of a touch of help from the Guys and Girls with the Blue Stars( I will make a donation soon..promise)
    Started up the Surf this morning for the regular Bank Holiday trip to B & Q with the wife:
    Usual procedure..Glow plug lights out ..wait a bit more ...now crank.
    Made the usual cranking noise , but to no avail.

    Ammeter was showing just under 9, so cleaned and checked battery terminals, tried again...nothing.
    Checked batteries, offside battery was showing no green indicator of battery life--should it not show red if dead?
    Nearside battery was green although a little darker than normal.

    1)I am assuming that battery change is in order?
    2)Is it recommended that both are changed together?

    Tried to get batteries sorted today, but being Bank Hol, my local auto factors was closed, and Halfrauds couldn't help me until tomorrow anyway.

    Not being a total car expert(but learning as the days go on), does this sound like battery trouble..or could it be glow plugs? Fuel Filter?

    Would appreciate any help.

  • #2
    Could well be dead battery/s but this could be down to a duff alternator not charging them. Best bet is get it to a decent place that can check the batteries and alternator for correct operation.
    If it is the battery/s then suggest both are changed at the same time.
    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off


    • #3
      Thanx mate,
      Just changed them, got him running.
      Gonna take him over to my mechanic bloke to have the alternator and batteries checked for correct operation.
      Two batteries £90 the pair.

      Thanx for you help.



      • #4
        Originally posted by Koi
        Could well be dead battery/s but this could be down to a duff alternator not charging them. Best bet is get it to a decent place that can check the batteries and alternator for correct operation.
        If it is the battery/s then suggest both are changed at the same time.
        You need to get the batteries load tested with a proper load tester. A duff battery can still show 12v+ on a voltmeter but will drop severly under load if duff. It is an easy job and most decent garages/Kwik Fits etc. will do it for free.

        If the batteries are duff then you should replace both as 1 duff battery will drag the other good one down very quickly.

        You also need to check that the alternator is charging correctly. Again a garage can do this easily but a simple test (if you do get the Surf started is to switch the headlights on full and gently rev the engine from tickover and you should see the headlights brighten slightly as the alternator picks up the load.

        However you said the engine did turn over but was reluctant to start. If it sounded like it was turning over as normal then most likely glow plug problem. Check the 80a glow circuit fuse first - if it is blown then you need to check out the glow circuit, particularly the insulators on the supply rail - do a search on the forum - there's lots of info.
        Nil Illigitimi Carborundum


        • #5
          [QUOTE=red harry]Hi Yall

          Sitting here surfing the site, drinking me cold Coors from the fridge and munching on a bowl of red cherries.

          Cold Coors with a bowl of red cherries?

          Just don't sneeze while bendin down.


          • #6
            Oh yeah.
            You gotta try it before you dis it!
            Besides, it keeps me off the chocolate!!!!!!!


            • #7
              So it must be like eating strawberries with champagne then


              • #8
                Spot on


                • #9
                  Originally posted by red harry
                  Spot on
                  i had a the same prob with mine it turn out to be the alternator belt was to slack

