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Seized shock absorber bolt ?

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  • Seized shock absorber bolt ?

    Hi List,

    I attempted to replace the front shocks on my Surf at the week-end, and failed before I started.

    Removed the two bolts from the top of the shock that holds the Hard/Soft adjuster gizmo, and then set about trying to undo the nut from the bolt at the bottom of the shock.

    Looking at the shock from the front, I can see a large 22mm nut. Should this turn ? i.e be undo-able... It's not welded to the chasses or something.

    I'd assumed that a bolt was passed from the back of the shock to the front, and then a nut fixed on and all I had to do was undo the nut, and tap out the bolt - this would then release the lower part of the shock.

    If this is the case, I'm going to have to split off the nut and replace it.

    Or am I missing something....


  • #2
    the bottom of my shocks are held in with a 17mm (i think) nut onto a whacking great allen key bolt.

    take a picture if you can and we can try and help some more.
    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


    • #3
      As suggested, pics of the offending item.

      Attached Files


      • #4
        Originally posted by kcsl
        I'd assumed that a bolt was passed from the back of the shock to the front, and then a nut fixed on and all I had to do was undo the nut, and tap out the bolt - this would then release the lower part of the shock.

        If this is the case, I'm going to have to split off the nut and replace it.

        Yup, thats it, for both parts.

        Have you got a breaker bar, they normally are tight. If you have a decent ratchet handle, put a piece of tube over it for extra leverage.

        Try heating the nut with a blowtorch.
        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


        • #5
          Thanks for that.

          I started thinking that perhaps this nut wasn't designed to be removed or something else stupid.
          I had ago with a lump hammer on my spare ratchet but it wasn't going to budge so decided to give up before the front of the truck fell off from all the knocking.


          • #6
            here's an old army trick. using a centre punch or small cold chisel - try belting the centre of one of the nut flats several times. this has the effect of streching the nut around the bolt threads - easing release. or try applying a small bit of cloth well and truely soaked in wd40 around the offending part and leave to soak over night.
            if all else fails - use a gas axe.
            Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


            • #7
              We had this problem on a front shock last year
              got the nut off, but the bolt wouldnt slide out,
              it was seized in side. we tried hitting it with a big hammer (with nut on end to save damage to bolt threads), but the mount started bending!

              so as we had no angle grinder, we had to drill a row of holes into the bottom of shock, round bit that goes around the bolt, on both sides and used a cold chisel to brake links between our holes - to get the thing apart...
              being carefull not to drill through the bolt
              Landcruiser Colorado
              Sub. Forester


              • #8
                Originally posted by andycook
                We had this problem on a front shock last year
                got the nut off, but the bolt wouldnt slide out,
                it was seized in side. we tried hitting it with a big hammer (with nut on end to save damage to bolt threads), but the mount started bending!

                so as we had no angle grinder, we had to drill a row of holes into the bottom of shock, round bit that goes around the bolt, on both sides and used a cold chisel to brake links between our holes - to get the thing apart...
                being carefull not to drill through the bolt
                Thanks for the info, tho' I'm really really hoping it won't come to that.

                However, just in case, I've spoken to Toyota and ordered replacement Nuts and Bolts for both front and rear shocks, and new rear bushes. They were not expensive and seems a sensible precaution.


