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speedo UNconversion

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  • galooph
    Both my LN130 and KZN185 were converted with an electronic module. Four connections, 0V, 12V, signal in, signal out. On the KZN185, whoever imported it fitted it underneath the truck in the cable to the speedo sensor on the transfer box. They fitted it badly, with just a few wraps of electrical tape for protection. I had to replace that section of the loom, so removed the converter, and that restored the speedo to km/h. I since fitted a yellow box behind the dash.

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  • JamesT
    started a topic speedo UNconversion

    speedo UNconversion

    I have a 3rd gen KZ surf, which was imported form JPN and converted to UK SVA spec back in 2011 including a kph to mph speedo conversion
    I'm interested in undoing this conversion, has anyone ever done this and is it as "straightforward" as taking the clocks out and removing the gearing box that has probably been put on the back of the speedo?