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Bearing Noise ?

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  • Bearing Noise ?


    Had a ride in a forum members surf today and am now certain that I have a problem with my front bearings. At least I am no longer worried that the Surf is inhearantly noisy and eventually I can get mine fixed.

    Still waiting to hear from my dealer... they are 'relocating' so have no workshop facilities.

    I bought the surf without warranty as I didnt have enough cash at the time but there may still be hope that the dealer will do the honerable thing considering the car came with a ludicrously loud exhaust that masked the road noise.

    In the meantime does anyone out there know of a Surf freindly engineer in the Kingston Upon Thames area and maybe some idea of cost for replacing those bearings so I dont get my fingers burned?


  • #2
    Yep - you have PM




    • #3
      Originally posted by Steadi

      Had a ride in a forum members surf today and am now certain that I have a problem with my front bearings. At least I am no longer worried that the Surf is inhearantly noisy and eventually I can get mine fixed.

      Still waiting to hear from my dealer... they are 'relocating' so have no workshop facilities.

      I bought the surf without warranty as I didnt have enough cash at the time but there may still be hope that the dealer will do the honerable thing considering the car came with a ludicrously loud exhaust that masked the road noise.

      In the meantime does anyone out there know of a Surf freindly engineer in the Kingston Upon Thames area and maybe some idea of cost for replacing those bearings so I dont get my fingers burned?

      You have a 3 Month Warranty by LAW. So dont let him fob you off.


      • #4
        So what do dodgy bearings sound like? Sometimes i think mine might be doggy.
        Derek :
        1990 Hilux Surf SSR Ltd
        [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]S[/U][/COLOR][/B]ave [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]U[/U][/COLOR][/B]p [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]R[/U][/COLOR][/B]eadies [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]F[/U][/COLOR][/B]ast. Cause you're gonna need them!


        • #5
          Dealer trouble

          Thanks Marky

          Do you have any info on the warranty law

          The dealer is saying he is still in buisiness but is in the process of changing premisis so has no workshop.

          I have to drive to Manchester for work in a week or two so need to get the bearings done before then but the dealer is unable to help. He seems to now be trading from home, the website hasnt changed but the photos of his cars have a new residential background!

          I wont name him yet in case he is innocently stuck between premisis but anyone in my area wil probobly already be aware due to all the cars disappearing from his forecourt.

          Looks like I will have to pay for the work elseware but am really looking for a local garage which will give me a reciept for my accounts. May have to take up the offer from a helpful surfer elseware in Surrey but cant get down there at the moment.


