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Load cover fitting

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  • Load cover fitting

    Can anyone help with some tips on how to fit a load cover, i have all the parts and have had the sides off in the back, but i can't see any markings on the inside of the panels for where the holes need to be cut for the fixings, any info will be great.

  • #2
    Just fitted mine and no pre-marked cutouts as mentioned in posts,the hole that is cut needs to line-up with the bodywork and the square hole in the bodywork takes a nylon threaded clip.The problem being is alligning where to cut the hole, complete nightmare so i posted for somebody to put any photos on the site and Linda did, i fitted the brackets by cutting off all the excess plastic that would align with the hole and drilled two holes in the bracket where the bottom of the cover would sit and used the screws supplied .Done the same wth the front but left the round bit there , aligned up and cut a hole to take this and screwed to panels i thought that if i removed this piece the bracket could possibly turn, to be honest it looks fine at least i did not have the problem of cutting the side panels you would only have to be a bit out and nothing would line up and two screwed side panels.


    • #3
      Here are some piccies of how it should look
      Attached Files

