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Key broke off in ignition barrel

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  • Key broke off in ignition barrel

    Help needed

    My wife has somehow broke the key in the ignition barrel
    and 1/2 of it is still in there.
    what are my options
    I have a spare key if I can get it out, but how? Did think magnet, but the key isn't magnetic.
    tweezers are closed before you get anywhere near the remaining bit of key.
    How difficult is it to get the ignition barrel out and even if I did would I be able to get the bit of key out?

    Any help gratefully received

    The barrel is still working with the remaining bit of key (with a bit of jiggling), but I don't see this working for long.

  • #2
    The barrel unbolts off the column with 2 'tamperproof' bolts. Easiest way would be to remove the column (4x14mm nuts/bolts + the 12mm on the spline bolt near bulkhead.

    Then weld a nut onto the security bolts, unbolt and swap in a new one from a breaker.


    • #3
      If you can turn the key in the lock then I believe you can pull the barrel off by turnung to acc and then there should be a small hole in the barrel. push summat in to release the inners. im sure i posted some moee details ob this but cant fibd it at mo on this silly smaet phine
      "B.A." Baracus: "Talk to me, talk sense so I can talk back. Not all this jibberjabber like breaking the peace and all that."


      • #4
        Thanks Wolf I would have never thought of pushing something in to a release hole, got barrel out then had to remove all the pins and springs, but I've got the bit out and it's all back together and back in the car and is working with the spare key all I need now is a new spare key.
        thanks again for the advice saved me loads of time, and money plus my key still fits all the locks.

        anyone know where I can get a key cut? or buy one off the number.


        • #5
          Kerching!! Well done, glad to be of help! Just pass on the knowledge mate..
          "B.A." Baracus: "Talk to me, talk sense so I can talk back. Not all this jibberjabber like breaking the peace and all that."

